I wear the badge proudly.
@Frank Apisa,
I don't think their love of baseball is a good reason to attack atheists.
@Frank Apisa,
Well, Frank, it's like this. When a theist says I believe in God, I don't crash his thread and start an argument with him. If that thread devolves into a mess I might throw in a few comments. But you will note, theists and agnostics can't wait to tell an atheist he is not allowed to be an atheist.
I started this thread on a humorous note and was not arguing, until others dropped in and argued.
I didn't post about crepes or creeps. I merely was enjoying myself.
God is a BIG guy, from what I hear-tell, Ed. 8' 7" tall weighing 350 pounds, all muscle. Not somebody to go funnin round with, if ya catch my drift.
EdgarB, what I most want to know: is there a Dog?
Relax, people. I have all the answers. I am, how you say, omniscient: smarter than the average bear. Layman's god, without cleats, couldn't be over six eight. Yes, Osso, there is a dog. So you can bay at it at night. And, Frank, you don't need a brain. This chip I took from my old desk computer is all you need and to click your shoes together a few times.
I bear witness and give testimony to having seen my Savior Jesus, the Son of God when I was a 9 year old child. I was completely awake and it was not a delusion nor a hallucination.
Thank you for that invaluable personal anecdote.
When I was nine I saw Charles Darwin walking on the sparkling lake one early morning. He beckoned me over and said, "What year did they invent the hotdog. I want one. With a tall root beer."
Y'know, if you put root beer in a square glass, it's just beer.