stuh505 wrote:stuh505 wrote:yes, it is certainly possible to have an impairment that causes this...but i am not talking about impairments.
stuh505 wrote:of course it is possible to be borne with an impairment. i was talking about a normal healthy human...there will always be exceptions.
stuh505 wrote:if any two people look at the color wheel and they see...
1) all colors seem to make a natural progression between hues, then we know that if these two people see any one color the same than they must see all colors the same
2) the three primary colors could be used to mix any of the other colors, then we know that they see all three primary colors the same
i am only talking about people who satisfy these 2 things. if you see colors differently than you used to, then to some slight degree, you must not quite satisfy condition #2
I can see where you are going with this.
But, respectfully, as others have mentioned, in my mind, you have not "proven" that we see the same colors. Yes, we could both look at a color wheel, and I could agree with you that the hues on the color wheel are gradually changing, agree on the primary colors, etc.
Your assumption #1 above does not work. Just because we agree the hues are gradually changing doesn't mean we see the SAME hues.
Who is to say ALL of the hues in my mind are not simply a shift on the color wheel from what you see? Just because we both see gradually changing hues doesn't prove that we see the same hues.
I have no doubt you have proven this to yourself, in your mind.
But why is it that a group of us have a problem with your proof? We're all a little stupid and not able to follow your genius mind?
Or could it be you need to re-work the proof to enable us underlings to truly see?
Or, another possibility: your proof doesn't work.
I say this respectfully.
I have read a lot of your posts on other threads, and you come off as quite intellgent and logical. But, I must say: in my mind your proof on this one is not airtight. You might be right that we all see the same colors. But you have not proved it.
Have you ever taken Geometry classes or other mathematics classes where you must prove a theorem? It is one of the the most difficult tasks to do. Any little flaw in any part of the proof destroys the entire proof.