Wow! So many interesting views on the matter .. when I opened the browser today!
NickFun :
cjhsa :
fresco : Your views are always refreshing. Concerning this line of thought leading to nondualism - I must give it more room. because I wish there was qualia..
JLN : I am beginning to have a hint about the color of your world view. For now it's all about trust - I trust you are all intelligent human beings, actually experiencing RED and GREEN, and not some computer programs just trying to make conversation
tvywel : I have a strong conviction about something : that in the end we will somehow 'understand' RED. But not necessarily by the end of this thread...
Scissors : Exactly - we can only understand each other because of, like fresco has pointed out, sociolingusitic acquisition and consensus of needs. We can agree that roses are red. We can also determine that blood is red. But is it RED?
farmerman,SCoates : Your pragmatical view is respected. However, the hardest part of science is to obtain questions. Right now, my question is philisophical at best, by i feel there is a scientific question in there, just can't get it out. And one philosophy's role could be just that : digging out the potentially scientifical questions out of the sea of metaphysics.
I am intrigued by Qualia because I cannot put that in software. Pragmatism is my every day work, and qualia is what I dream about.
Craven (and Cav) : What was it LIKE?
BoGoWo : a functionalist view is always appreciated - we all depend on functioning in the end, which fulfills our material needs. But a computer does that - functions - do we not do more? I am seeking to understand how does the feeling of RED come about when my program searches for the best pattern-fit of a pixel array received from digital camera, or does it at all?
Dlowan :
Quote:Now - here is an experiment - one of my eyes sees colours as distinctly "warmer" in tone than the other - I think the left is the "warm" one.
I find that extremely interesting to think about. It shows that feeling of RED is an extremely high-level psychological process, one much higher than say pattern recognition which is practically built into the low-level eye/brain functions. There are features of the picture (geometry, shadows etc.) being processed by our pattern-recognition extremely effectively and subconsciously, and yet the feeling of RED or PROXIMITY comes on top of that! Color should be a very basic property of the picture, judging from a functionalist perspective, much higher than shadows and geometrical perspective - yet it isn't.
What about memory? Anybody stumbled across the following:
I could swear I remembered the house was painted BLUE. I could remember it as clear as a day, perfect sunlit image forming before my inner eyes. Yet when I set my eyes on it, after 10 years, It was exactly as I remembered it, except it was GREEN! I could not believe my eyes! I researched if a paint job has been done on it, or if the color has changed - but no! Everybody confirmed it has ALWAYS been GREEN!
And what about multi-perceptions - the people that can see music, and have visual feelings triggered by notes? That 'something' that is triggered by a certain piece of music looks the same as a blue wave on a lake, and it is BLUE. This BLUE exists independently of the wave, or the sounds that triggered it.
if I am just delusional, and am imagining things that aren't there - maybe RED does not exist, as functionalists say - then what is it - the thing i'm imagining? What is IMAGINATION? I think therefore I am - I imagine it, so it can't be nothing.