@Frank Apisa,
Our sticking point will always be that that you want to separate "know" from "a thing that is known" The only
knowledge I have of "reality" is how I use the
word as a seeking of consensus about "what is the case" (even with "myself"). Since I cannot get beyond "reality" as "a
word used in certain contexts" it follows for me that "reality"only refers to
human attempts to co-ordinate action . (i.e Language is a behavior which co-ordinates behavior).
Now even if we move to a comparison of species paradigm and say a frog's world" is different to "the human world", I am essentially not talking about "frog's having "a different reality", I am talking about how a frog's
behavior might empirically differ from ours in what
we define as "a specific state of affairs". To argue otherwise would be to assign an anthropomorphic view to a frog's perceptual processes. So my assertion about
relativity of "reality" lies only in
human verbal differential specifications of states of affairs (aka paradigms) and such paradigms have no developmental limit. In short there are no "ultimate states of affairs".