Patches wrote:
Quote:Woohoo! The gullibility is strong on this one! Laughing Were you born in this century? Or the one before last?
You are the one who believes the lies of this world, not I.
Right. An invisible, undetectable sky-daddy who knows everything, controls everything, made everything, then punishes its creations in eternal hellfire and brimstone for being imperfect. Perfectly logical!!! What could possibly go wrong???
Also, I notice that you yet again avoided a direct response to my post. Instead of addressing how you "know" that that digital photo was unretouched, you spit out yet another
non sequitur, perfectly illogical and composed of empty, blind faith-based rhetoric. Quite the pawn for your overlords. Nice work. How about growing a pair and facing up to the hand nature has dealt you? You're really happy about being a quivering, castrated gambler, hoping that you've bought the winning lottery ticket in the casino of religions? You're that special? Or you're that gullible? How do you expect to urn (pun intended) your special seat in heaven when you do such a lousy job of representing your faith? You haven't convinced a single person here of anything except that you're a hyper-gullible loon. You need to pick up your game and provide some genuine evidence for your claims. Otherwise, any reasonable god would take you out of the game. You'd be lucky to warm the bench. More like collecting the towels from the locker room. Can you do no better than posting one transparent logical fallacy after another?