perhaps my attempt at drawing you out on scripture went unnoticed, You see, I paraphrased the scripture purposefully in hope you would pick up on it and restore the integrity of the translation to avoid misapplication.
I was disappointed not to go down that route because you see, scriptural integrity is an important part of my studies, and as such I will pick up on translational bias and supplanted wording that is commonly used to support a theory or idea that is not actually scriptural. I wanted to see how much scriptural integrity meant to you.
Quote:The Scripture confirms the photograph.
Now the first scripture you supplied as confirmation, Matthew 3 verse 16 you highlighted the word "alighting" upon him, but as I previously showed you, the word alighting was not in the original texts, it was supplanted for the word Erchomai, which literally means to come from one place into another, the Hebrew word Tsanach however is the word which translates as Alighting, which has a similar meaning but is no way related to the Greek word Phos, or"light" which is what you were using as the link to your halo theory.
Quote:It is of the Holy Spirit in bodily form which appeared as a Halo.
The holy spirit in the scripture says it "descended upon him" "in bodily form" "as a dove", there is nothing to suggest that it is an orb, or that it emitted any form of light, My concern is that I see nothing that relates the scripture to anything in the photo. I have also yet to see anything in scripture that pertains to the halo, something that was not even spoken of by Jesus or his disciples.
Please do not think I am here to trample your belief system, I merely like to inquire of it, to put it to the test if you will. I appreciate your patience