Granted that post was a waste of time because language fails me in explaining the unexplainable. It has done so for others as well, but surely on a higher level. I was just trying to point out that language has it boundaries. Yes, they are confined to a smaller region in my particular case. But reality is undefinable for all, as long as you get the main picture, I'm a happy man. If you don't get it, I'll still be a happy man, don't worry

Nevertheless, I'd like to make some small remarks:
Yes, Zen still rocks.

My 'reasoning' or lack thereof can of course also be seen as a contradictory statement. Reality is filled with those. Well, religion and uncompleted(it's never complete) science is.
Glad you had fun reading it, I was waiting for the moment when someone said out loud what I've thought on many occasions: ReX, your post makes no sense, maybe they'll get the message, but that means you're just a reminder. No new insight shall be given from this dialectic presentation of your system of thought. My lesson: Sleep more, post less when hindered by fatigue.
edit: Spellcheck. I'm not perfect; I'm flemish.