Sat 19 Jun, 2004 03:05 pm
I've heard people say, and read too, that you can be comfortably nude in front of your kids.
After an embarrassing experience, I'm not so sure that's true. My 4 yr old daughter and 3 yr old son were playing away, OK, downstairs, so I went and jumped in the shower. I always shave in the nude, when I get out, but this time I opened the door a small bit so I could keep an ear open for the kids, since there was no one else home. I just got my face lathered up when my daughter burst in, without knocking, followed by her brother to tell me something. I remained cool, since I had read it was ok as long as you didn't focus attention about your nudity.
I quickly found out this wasn't for me though, after being questioned about my manhood from two small kids.
Needless to say, I won't be caught with my pants down again. (No pun intended)
Has this or something similar happened to anyone else here?
Why does the childrens curiousity and unanswered questions bother you? I dont think it was about the nudity personally. I think it was the nature of thier questions. Am i right?
Hi dad_with2,
If you ain't comfortable, you ain't comfortable. That's OK. I think the point is that you CAN be comfortably nude, that it won't scar them for life. Depending somewhat on how you handled it, and it looks like you handled it well.
heehee. My niece walked over to my bro-in-law and, er, pulled his cord. Since then her parents have been talking to her about private parts.
I love kids comments. One day my husband had my daughter alone and had to use a public bathroom. He brought her in with him, as she is much too small to leave alone. She noticed that he stood and peed without pulling his pants down. She innocently asked, "Daddy don't you get pee on your underwear?" Later when I had her in the bathroom with me she said "Daddy pees standing up." I simply explained to her that is how boys pee.
Dad with 2. I can understand your embarrassment. Why don't you and your wife discuss the situation, and if you think the children are old enough, this may be the time to have that talk.
No one ever talked to me about anything, and when I was eleven years old, my niece, who had been in the bathroom with her dad who was bathing, came running in to tell me, " Letty, Daddy's dingdong won't bite you." I was mortified and ran outside as fast as I could. Parents need to discuss these matters with children.
Since you are so obviously perplexed by this, I am going to assume one of them hasn't walked in and caught you and the wife doing the nasty yet.
That's always a treat.
To: Bi-Polar Bear
Oh yes, we've been caught "doing the do" alright, but managed to get covered up in time.
The time in the bathrom, however, is the one and only time my kids have actually seen ole' Peter.
My husband was showering one day when the little one (at the time) toddled into the room. Ripping open the shower curtain, he stared, and then pointed.
(higher pitched, three year old voice)
"That's a penis, right daddy? Right daddy? That's a penis, right?"
(deliberately deep pitched, booming voice)
"Why yes, that's a damn fine penis, son."
A mother is at the zoo with her children looking at the Elephants and her son points at a large bull's penis and asks what it is.
The mother, flustered, tells him it's nothing and high tails it out of there.
That weekend the son is watching the discovery channel with his dad and sees an elephant and asks the same question. The father answers that it's the elephants penis.
"Well, mom said it was nothing", says the little boy.
"Well, mom's spoiled" replies the father.
an oldie but a goodie
My kids have both of us naked...hell they are happiest sans clothes especially my younger two.
my younger boy can't stand wearing clothes so he's running free all over the apartment like Tarzan.
my daughther,,,who really at 2 seems more like a boy with no fear of dirt...LOL likes to run about it the buff as well.
Its all about upbringing and im pretty sure the Eurofolks such as my wife don't see the nudity as such a big deal.
Me personally...boxers and a long t shirt minimum.
i got so many surgical scars and im so white i may blind ya if i go shirtless
guys!! just dont walk around naked. Kids dont wanna see your "peices". Dad_with2, towel up if your gonna shave in front of your kids. Would you wanna see your parents naked??
think about it!
When I was about 5 or 6, I was with my grandfather and needed to use a public washroom. I stepped up to the urinal to do my business, and innocently took a glance at the man next to me doing his. Without flinching, I shouted out "Big deal!" I hope I didn't scar the dude for life.
I dunno, I figure that sorta thing is gonna be more or less just about as bigga deal as you make of it. If you want your kides to grow up thinkin' naked is nasty and bad, then do what you gotta. On the otherhand, I figure kids all around would be better off learnin' naked is neither nasty nor bad, but that there are times and places where it is both appropriate and wholly unremarkable, and times and places where it is inappropriate. My take is everybody is responsible for their own body, and nobody oughtta be ashamed of it or any part or function thereof.
So, I guess the choice comes down to teach kids responsibility, or teach kids shame. As in most such choice sets, its really dismayin' to me how rarely responsibility wins. Dismayin', but wholly unsurprisin'. I think that's a damned shame.
Timber has a point, young children react by their parents' reactions. I really don't make a big deal about it with my girls. My husband does cover up with a towel now as the oldest is kindergarten age. They sure are not ashamed of their bodies as they run around singing, "I'm naked!"
It is curious that kids are not embarrassed by their nakedness until they show up with their new boyfriend/girlfriend at the house for the first time, and mom drags out the baby albums.
That was never a problem for me, cav; mom and us generally stayed dressed on those occaisions. :wink: