How does a pedestal eventually end up as a ditch?
A very apt question.
When it becomes apparent, either to the one on the pedestal or the one who put them there, that the one on the pedestal does not belong there, one of them will often throw the pedestal sitter in the ditch.
Quote:How about equality?
Equality between man and women - Great.
Making either equal to God - Not so great.
Quote:I don't really see any pedestal in the book of Genesis in regards to women...
I could argue that Adam taking Eve's advice over God's (about the tree thing) was doing that but I'm not sure that is a valid example.
When the experience of interacting with God was as direct as it was in that day, I don't think such an explicit directive would be necessary. When you are standing before God such questions about priorities would never enter your mind.
I don't really know when it did but certainly by the time of Moses it was apparently necessary. It's covered by the First commandment. The fact that we needed such a commandment is kind of a sad statement about mankind. It was God's desire that we find those things in our hearts (which is the part that atheists often get right before religionists do).