I think it's all the same god that people are worshipping. It works like the game telephone. Kids sit around in a circle and one whispers a message to the person next, until the message gets around the circle. The bigger the circle, the more the original message gets mixed up. Religion works the same way, because each generation has used the concept of god for their own purposes, whether that be for economic reasons, power, war, etc. I put pieces of what I read and what people say and take from it what REALLY makes sense to me and try to figure out what I actually believe in. Certain parts of the "biblical god" seem like they fit. You have to remember though, "biblical god" is kind of a dick. He drowned the entire world. God cursed a man and wrecked his entire life, killed his family, plagued him, and him poor, over a bet with Satan. He sent the angel of death to kill peoples first born.
So, is it really hard to believe that there is a god and he is kind of a dick sometimes? That god makes mistakes? That not everything god does is always what we see as perfect? I think God's plan was to give man the world just to watch what we do. God TV. Without a creature that can think and build and create through it's own free will, God would be pretty much reading the same book he wrote for eternity. There is a lot more to what I believe, but basically God created man so that he would not have to be bored, alone, and unloved for his infinite existence.