Religion----You are describing what humans have come up with, a thing, a 'way' to be. Haven't humans always messed things up?
Jesus---God in Person. Can you find anything wrong with Him? Go to your history books. Over 500 people saw Him alive after his death on the cross.
People confuse man-made "religion" with God. Our so called righteousness "makes Him sick" He says in His Word.
To know Jesus, you must know Him in Spirit & in Truth. He is The Way to Heaven. The only Way. Please consider this.
Get a Bible, open your heart & ask Him to show you Himself. He is real. Religion is not.
Accept The Gift of Eternal Life made possible only through Jesus' death sacrifice on the cross.
God is HOLY HOLY HOLY. We are not. We needed a Saviour. Jesus in His love satisfied that debt for us. But like any gift, it is not yours till your accept it.
This life is hard. Wouldn't it be a horrible thing to leave here, and this be the very best you ever had?
What if I am right? What if you are wrong?
What have you got to lose by checking Him out & see if He is God?
What have you got to lose? Everything.......