My beef is with the old testament that clearly omitted Hagar's offspring and justified it with some sort of racial hate.
"chosen people"... these are not my words... these are the words of a racist old testament writer. Who then justified genocide on racial grounds.
Are the these words of God? Certainly not my God.
My God is all inclusive of every race on the face of the earth.
Then round it goes, you will counter by saying the new testament does away with that.
NO it does not!
It talks about the "natural branch" and grafted on gentiles...
We are all "equally" part of the same tree of life.
There IS male and there IS female (and people born between) and there IS Jew and gentile and we are all part of the life of the earth and our wondrous cosmos. We are ALL chosen for this life and have the "exact" same worthy progenitors.
The Bible is racist through and through...
I'll have no part of that. I wash my hands of the book and all racist books derived from such a horrible origin..