Ning Wu wrote:Swolf,
I like to hear about it. Give me some real comparisons between Kerry and Karl Marx.
When Kerry actually shows up to vote, i.e. when his gigolo business permits, he is on the left side of nearly all issues:
Fortunately as the article notes, Kerry showing up to vote is rare.
When you vote for a president, you're not just voting for the one guy; you're voting for the political party he represents; in other words, you'd have to compare Karl Marx and his immediate associates to Kerry and the present leadership of the democrat party.
There would be a long list of comparisons and I suspect most if not all of the would favor old Karl.
Karl Marx never raped anybody, to my knowledge at least.
Karl marx's associates and people around him didn't die under mysterious circumstances on a regular basis.
Karl Marx didn't ride horses off bridges.
Karl, to my knowledge at least, never sold his country out to foreign powers for campaign donations.
I mean, the democrat party at this juncture has come to represent every sort of political pathology in the land and, in a land of 260 million people, that's a lot of pathology. You've got the environmental whacko/animals are more important than people crowds who refuse to let us drill for oil, mine coal or build dams or even keep dams which have been there for decades, you've got the later-day racists of PC and shakedown artists like Jesse Jackson, you've got the NEA, the trial lawyers' guild, George Soros, Michael (Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life) Moore, the anti-gun lobbies, guys like Algor who want to eliminate the internal combustion engine, and then you've got the gangsterism wing of the dem party including the Clintons and Terry MacAuliffe, the New World Order crowd which wants to turn our country over to the UN and Kofi Anan, who's basically the Don King of international relations, and it just never ends.
Granted communism became the primary focus of evil in the world for a time during the 1900s, but you can't say that it incorporated EVERY pathological tendency in Russia. I think the democrats are worse.