I don't think it made us any safer because we were never in any threat from Iraq.
Quote:How does the loss of a major source of income and weapons strengthen the hand of the terrorists?
Saddam gave money to Palestinian suicide bombers in which case Israel was the one who should have went to war with Iraq.
We cant just invade a country to give us a staging ground to fight terrorist. That is just plain wrong.
We already went to war with Saddam during the first gulf war to stop him from invading kuwait. Many of his crimes were committed back then. So it is illogical to use the same crimes that he already committed and in which we already went to war over to justify another war. That would be the same as punishing a child twice for the same offense. Saddam was being contained, Kay said as much in his report. There was no build up of new WMD, the inspections report said as much. There was no reason to go to war and it did not make us any safer and it won't in the long run because the country is not ours to organize according to our needs.
Do ya'll honestly think that the Iraqi's are going to turn to the US against the rest of the middle east? They already hate us and want us to leave them alone now that we have gotten rid of Saddam for them. In fact they want us to turn Saddam back over to them now. So who knows what that is all about.
I guess what I am trying in my own inarticulate fashion to say is that we are not puppet masters and the rest of the world are not puppets on a string there to do our bidding. The Iraqis will resent that and will rebel which is what they already are doing; even the ones who were originally grateful to the US for getting rid of Saddam Hussien. In every way we have failed in the reconstruction of Iraq so we can't say that at least we gave the Iraqi's a better a country than they had before. I mean they are dying in droves, they have no electricity, they are getting picked up left and right and thrown into prisons only to be abused and humiliated before the world. Why would they ever appreciate that?
In the end everything might turn out all right for them, they may even become a democratic state; but I honestly don't think they are going to thank us for it so we won't have a friendly ally in the middle east. So even if that justification was justifiable it won't happen. (IMO)