Yeah, right! isn't that WHY you people like Bush? he certainly doesn't give you any choices! he tells us how it's gonna be and you republicans like it that way. but that's NOT America.
BiPolar bear, i posted this elsewhere, but it fits here as well:
Not that the economy is the only problem here, nor is it a big concern of mine. The economy will recover; it always does; it has to. My desire for a new president has to do with some other worries. Bush is just a crony rewarding his cronies with our money while stripping from us the essential fabric that is America: a nation of the people, by the people, for the people. It's time for the people to take it back, I should think!
I found this web site from when he and Gore were running. I've copied some of what comprises the "problem" with a "Bush America", but then noticed, at the end of the article, predictions regarding what a Bush presidency would be like.
Rather on spot, I'd say. Chillingly accurate, even. Check it out for yourself!
But first, some of the analysis during the campaign:
Bush obviously does not want to limit the money he gets from the deep pockets in the Republican Party in favor of any real democracy in our election process. (examples on web page)
In May of 1999 in what Bush refers to as his "biggest environmental achievement," a Texas bill, which purported to close loopholes that allowed 828 industrial plants to continue operating without obtaining air permits from the state, was actually drafted by the polluters themselves. These industries contributed at least $2 million to the George W. primary campaign.
Bush has received the most contributions of the presidential candidates from the slaughterhouse industry, factory farms and cattle ranchers. Bush has indicated that increasing meat exports to foreign countries, especially China, will be one of his priorities to solve our balance of payments problem.
Bush's own efforts to limit access to information in Texas and his attempts to shut down web sites that are critical of him even in a parody (, do not speak well of his understanding of the first amendment. He personally directing the Texas state police to arrest peaceful demonstrators blocking nothing is another indicator of his abuse of the first amendment.
Bush had many opportunities to speak out against the consolidation of the public airwaves into the hands of a few; if you look at the contributions he has received from the industry you can see why he has not.
Bush has supported all the Republican sponsored legislation which caused major clear-cuts and erosion in national forests. These practices cause a boom-bust economy in the effected industries; the bust cycle is usually much longer than the boom cycle.
George Bush Junior will be George Bush Senior with a greater debt to destructive large campaign contributors and with even less "street knowledge" than his father and more vindictive towards those who criticize him.
This news release of the near future says it best:
"WASHINGTON, D.C. January 2001 -- The Republicans now control all aspects of the Federal Government. Top issues this session are: prayer in school, flag burning, missile defense system (star wars), gutting pollution standards, repealing the endangered species act, overturning Roe v. Wade, and packing the Federal Courts with right wing evangelical judges and appointees." News release paraphrased from:
Not to mention that Bush has appointed former criminals to government roles!
I'll leave this with a quote from our buddy Karl:
KARL ROVE, Bush's long-time political guru and White House advisor:
"As people do better, they start voting like Republicans...
...unless they have too much education and vote Democratic,
which proves there can be too much of a good thing."