Sat 14 Feb, 2015 05:46 pm
My garage door bangs all night, when the wind blows. What might I do to keep it tight, so it doesn't bang all night?
Tx for any comments.
I'd secure it with latches on each end.
Others will show up with "how".
What kind of garage door do you have?
Perhaps a picture of it might help for better suggestions.
OldGrampa wrote:
My garage door bangs all night, when the wind blows. What might I do to keep it tight, so it doesn't bang all night?
Tx for any comments.
My Tomcat does the same whenever he gets the chance. I usually just lock him in the kitchen.
What about lining the edges with some of that felt-like insulation tape? It would limit the space for the wind to draft through and would deaden the banging noise.