With all due respect Maam, I appreciate the time you have taken to notice everything about this post. But if not with the subject requirement, we will not be doing anything about this. Our grades as well as our chances to graduate are entirely dependent on how much replies we could generate with our posts. We are running out of time, actually and I don't really get the idea of our instructor requiring us 50 comments from 50 different users with just one question. But with the firm goal of having the good grade we can possibly have, we sort out to doing all of these. We know the answer already to the question and it's really hard to earn that 50 replies since our circles aren't that familiar with the site. Another is, there should only be a maximum of 3 students using the same site and it's frustrating, actually. We only have less than a week to get the number of replies needed. Thank you, anyway, Mam for such a kind advice of yours. God Bless.