Never tought of cooties and lice being the same thing, hmm!
As i understand it, cooties is a first world war vintage term for lice--veterans who had been obliged to go to delousing stations after a rotation in the trenches preferred not to refer to lice, and said "cooties" instead, knowing that other vets would understand, but not the general public--Americans already had a penchant for bathing beyond that of their immigrant ancestors, and having lice was a shameful sign of impoverished ignorance. Children of later generations had heard the term, but often did not know what it meant--but knew quite well that it was a sign of shame. It is also interesting that Milton-Bradley, or some such toy manufacturer, used to make a "Cootie" game, in which the object was to be the first to assemble a very insect-like plastic figurine--it has been replaced by "Mr. Potato Head."
I had Cootie in the 80's, long after the birth of Mr. Spud-head (which a teacher friend of mine uses to teach high school kids genetics, but that's neither here nor there).
They was still makin' it, huh?
Oh, by the by, Steve, we ain't aspeakin' no English, we is 'Mericans, we is speakin' 'Merican.
Speak for yourself. I'm California. I speak Dude. I shite you not.
Cool, dude, i am, like, so toadally up wit' that . . .
Oh! I mean, right on, bra!
I put it all down to George III (or as the Irish would say George the turd), who stupidly lost our N American colonies and hence is responsible for your corruption of the English language (somewhat ironic, being German), and President G W Bush.
Toodle pip!
Usage of the Bible for promotion of certain agenda is not something new. Gay activists attempt to depict king David and Jonathan as a same sex couple. Now advocates of marijuana/hashish legalization try to prove that the Savior used drugs (I hope that God will forgive me mentioning such abominable things, I do not believe that this might have happened). What will be the next? Maybe, cannibals, pedophiles and serial rapists will try to find some alleged biblical predecessors...
By the way, the term "kaneh-bosem" that appears in "The Guardian" article, in Hebrew means nothing except aromatic cane. As far as I know, hemp is not a cane. I guess, this term refers to a mixture of aromatic dried plants; mixed with olive oil they were used for the same purpose as perfumes and toilet waters are used nowadays (and for ritual purposes as well), and not for getting "high".
If we consider that Jesus Christ used herbal medicines to treat people, why not to assume that these were, for example, glycosides of oleander that have the same pharmacologic effect as digitalis?
Thanks for your vote Steissd, we are getting an interesting spread of opinion on this one.
Yikes! Both Oleander and Digitalis are poisonous in modest quantitites.
Any medication is poisonous if being applied in inappropriate way. But in case of cardiac insufficiency they may be helpful.
I once read an article on the ills and dangers of drugs and alcohol which rattled me so badly I nearly gave up reading.
timber, I know you'll never give up on reading, because you're hooked on A2K.

you read this stuff c.i.? I go by feel
He apparently had an incredible amount of I would say probably....
I have read about the cannibis theory....another cool book to check out is John Allegro's 'The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross.'
gives a whole new meaning to the 'burning bush'