Was Jesus a Stoner?
Timber, the Catholic church has hundreds of ways to control the flock by creating such a mystery, or horror, of things.
The "communion" ritual in Christian churches should mean simply, "do this in memory of me" - as said by Jesus, of course, at the Last Supper. I've heard Catholics say that as children they thought they were actually eating Jesus' body. (I was told the boogie man would get me, too, and by the hair of the head!)
Actually, it worked, the world did remember Jesus.
Just give me a leg!
Anon, that's funny. But, I guess it was called a "supper."
While some may say that the Eucharist is meant as a symbol, it clearly states the opposite view at least three times in the New Testament which is the reason those silly Catholics perform that Sacrament, the Sacrifice of the Mass.
Matthew 26
Mark 14
Luke 22
Of course, you don't have to have faith in any of it... but then how do you determine what to choose and why? Its Believability?
Transubstantiation. Ah those were the days.
If it became actual flesh and blood, what was the Church's answer to those who insisted it tasted just like bread and wine?
Bootinthehead . . .
(You asked what the Church's likely answer was, and i replied that that answer was blunt trauma . . . )
Any expression of doubt or request for clarification or expansion re matters of "Faith" were commonly addressed in less than intellectual manner. A book, for instance, might be thrown, rather than cited.
Setanta ... I infer similarity in our respective catechitical school experiences.
Believability does suffer, but how else can someone be trained other than through bootings? A genuine miracle can be hard to find.
Oh I
see. You were being funny. Sometimes American humour is far too subtle for me.
Well. Yes. Don't believe ANYTHING I say.
And I was also cruelly picking on poor Tex (but just a little). It is one thing to believe something, but to decide to believe the parts you like..... I admit I was tweaking at him. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
edited for spelling error~
timberlandko wrote:Setanta ... I infer similarity in our respective catechitical school experiences.
Them ladies was BIG, Boss--big, Irish, mean an' armed with stout rulers . . .
Piffka, sorry, but I don't find in any of the scripture you named a reference to the taking of communion being Jesus' actual body.
The Christian churches I attended growing up didn't give us any definite answers. I found my own, and I'm still "finding."
Luke 22;19 does end: "This do in remembrance of me."
19 And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.
20 Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.
(I don't make any claim to anything more than symbolic sacrifice. The dude ran an unusual seder, I'll give him that.)
I believe the following link is what you're looking for.
Tex-Star --

You don't really want me to find the specific verses do you?
If you were ever to attend a Roman Catholic Mass you'd find that the entire liturgy is a word-for-word repetition of Matthew and is a blessing of the bread & wine... a remembrance, as they believe Jesus asked his followers to do, of what happened during the last supper.
ci -- a very good explanation
Taoists such as I don't have to believe in this... though the transubstantiation makes more sense to me than some other things in the Bible.
Was Jesus a Stoner?

No, you named the chapters, I found the verses.
The last time I attended a Roman Catholic Mass they all drank from the same cup, with the priest wiping the rim after each person's sip. I didn't sip - unhealthy, probably.
As a kid, I didn't believe any of that stuff. Today, I carry my "church" around with me.
Who is being tweaked here? I'm a "him?" uh, no
But, still, Jesus was no "stoner." In his days of learning he didn't spend all that time in the desert "bonging" or whateverinhellyouwannacallit.
Uh-oh. I'm sorry -- too many years of watching The Lone Ranger, somehow, I think of Tex-Star and him together. Further apologies abjectly offered.
I don't know why I'm the one to explain this, but if it really is the blood of Jesus, then it will be perfectly safe and wholesome. As it stands, there are no major plagues that go through today's Roman Catholic Church, which could be a proof, right there! And, sorry to make you even more shocked, the priest is not wiping it for your health, but so that no drops of the sacramental wine spills. That white linen has been consecrated too.
I once forgot, being absent-minded, and when the priest offered me the wafer, I reached for it. I thought he was going to hit me, certainly his look was enough to drop me in my tracks. It is OK to place it in carefully held hands, but one must never ever reach for it. All this is to ensure it doesn't fall to the ground. (Now why the floor of the altar area isn't consecrated, I do not know.)