Wow!!!! 40 years for pot. That's crazy. That poor woman :-(
Last gush.
Neither had I heard the term "stoner" as meaning a user of cannabis until I read the article. I just thought everyone else had!
I'm not sure Jesus smoked pot, but then, what the hey!
I'm pretty sure though, that some of the guys while writing that book used some illegal substances. Those are not really stories for the faint of heart, if you ask me! Anybody who's having the same visions today would probably land in some kind of institution, for a very long time...
That's a really good point, BD. If the polezei wandered up and found ol' Abraham with a knife at his son's throat, and he started babbling about Yaweh told him to, they'd have him in a padded cell pronto. Then there's Lot, who claims he slept through it when his daughters had sexual relations with him in the cave, after the destruction of Sodom and Gemorrah--yeah, buddy, right, tell it to the judge !
I don't see that it makes much difference whether or not He was a "stoner". I have my doubts he was, but I know of no evidence one way or the other. What I know of contemporary Jewish practice leads me to conjecture to the contrary.
Oh, and for the merely curious, peyote tastes terrible ... sort of like old copper pennies with undertones of musty, bitter wood, and just a hint of dirt. Some nausea can be expected shortly after ingestion, but it's usually manageable and fades as visual effects begin to occur. An hour or so is required for full involvement, but the entertainment may be expected to be adequate to an entire afternoon and most of an evening. Pallet-cleansing beverages can be amelliorative, but the discomfort is transitory apart from an absolutely vile aftertaste. After-effects are negligible and a good sleep following the adventure is just about inevitable ... plan accordingly. Its OK as hallucinogens go, but others involving less unpleasantness and having greater effect are available. Some dedication and resolve are required of those who make frequent practice of its use. I never developed much interest in it, though I knew folks who were aficianados. That was a long, long time ago, and merely to satisfy intellectual curiosity, you understand.
Well, i tried it both that way and by smoking--you're damned right i inhaled ! If you chop it up, and put it on top of a deep bed of reefer in a pipe, the burning reefer will make sure the peyote is consumed, and there will be a slowly growing "trip" from the peyote. The effect is identical, but a much larger quantity is required for the same result as one gets from simply eating--which is most certainly a vile experience.
1966-Cultural Anthropology class, Prof acquires peyote buttons, class undecided as to application/use. proceeds to local grocery, uses coffee grinder, encapsules ground peyote, returns to classroom, ingests capsules, noted nausea, no other effect noted, class breaks for evening and walks across street to local bar, class notes odd visuals, distorted audio, class ejected from bar. Another learning experience from the halls of academia.
If you acquire a bunch of buttons, make sure you know the strychnine level - reduce by eliminating some or all of the hairy growth on the bottom. More strychnine - more colors - more likelihood of death.
My, we seem to be a bunch of psychotropic Martha Stewarts here ...
Isn't the internet wonderful, I just look up peyote and strychnine
on Goggle - results, the thread I just entered is a long held myth. Funny, those white tufts use to scare the Bijesus out of us!
Everyone here is talking about ricin. That doesn't seem to have any interesting psychoactive properties at all, apart from death.
Don't know about death being interesting while taking any kind of drugs... Seems boring, so much end...
"so much end..."
that's funny. "so much end..."
"how much end've you got?"
"way too much. you need some?"
(what a fountain of knowledge you old kids are...)
got one end, trading it for a new beginning...
my family was so poor, we had to split ends!
at least you had ends (even though they were split)!
Is there no end to this?
If life was a hot dog, it would actually have two ends...
But it's my understanding that he preached stoning of those that didn't believe in him. c.i.
That's an end in and of itself!