"Vladimir Putin's Ukraine incursion..." ??
Did you REALLY expect Vladimir Putin to sit there and watch George Soros, Monsanto, and Victoria Nuland just walk off with the Ukraine??
In order to believe that Vladimir Putin is anything other than the heroic figure he appears to be, you need to believe that Bork Obunga, the Rothschilde family, George Soros, Victoria Nuland, John (the gigolo) Kerry, Hillary KKKlintler, and every other one of the "neocon(TM)" fools in our state department are all good people, which is ridiculous.
Matt Drudge is referring to Putin as the leader of the free world
Pat Buchanan believes (as I do) that God is on Putin's side:
US Govt Russophobia:
The false flag sniper op at Maidan:
Putin's Perspective
Arrest warrant for George Soros:
200 New Christian churches being built in an daround Moscow:
The Cathedral of Christ The Savior:
calls for world leaders to stop the slaughter/persecution of Christians :
The United States is still demographically a Christian nation but you'd never know it from observing our government. All you ever read about our government doing these days is supporting regimes which persecute Christians and Christianity, and then you ask whose side you think God might be on? You think God could ever be on the side of George Soros, Monsanto, and the Obunga state department?? For that matter do you think God would be on the side of "conservatives" who weren't bright enough to see through demoKKKrat/NWO/Soros/US_StateDept propaganda and BS??
All of that is aside from the fact that Putin almost singlehandedly stopped the idiot greentards and Malthusians from shutting down all of the world's economies in 04 with the Russian hacker attack on the East Anglia CU email database which gave rise to "Climategate" (www.climategate.com). Other than for that, all of the idiots comparing Putin with Hitler would likely be rubbing sticks together to make fire.
The rulers of Russia have taken a hard look at the ongoing suicide of the West and determined that Russia is not going to participate. This may in fact be the biggest factor in the tidal wave of propaganda and disinformation which the West is subjected to regarding Russia and Vladimir Putin, and in the policies of our state department. The bankers who run the West hope to prevent the calamity which they are facing by bail-ins and austerity programs and that, combined with the Malthusian and greentard policies of our governments figure to produce a world of major grief for the West over the coming decades.
Those people can ill afford the alternative example of a prosperous and happy version of reality in the BRIC nations for everybody on the planet to see on television and the internet.