I've liked what I've read about Garappolo and would like to see him do ok to very well during Brady's suspension.
Re Brady, personally he seems oddly childish to me for a grown-up, long term and admired player - his LA area house (well, plenty of athletes have ugly ass houses), the involvement in the balls cheating), but of course I don't know him, that's just perception.
I read a lot of sports news from varied sources and I think I notice a pro-Brady bias from east coast posters or sportswriters, and anti from the west/midwest, but again, that is perception.
I've started following the Denver Post and I participated in their poll for how long the suspension it should be. Once you vote, then you can see the results - hugely, overwhelmingly, for at the least a six weeks suspension at the time I saw the resulting numbers.
I read one of the San Francisco papers, the main sports writer very pithy/anti Brady.
I read a Seattle paper too, but don't remember my impression of their take now as I type.
Anyway, good luck to Garoppolo.