Mon 3 Dec, 2007 11:07 pm
How the hell did Baltimore just lose that game? I am going to puke. The Patriots did NOT just win that game. No f---ing way.
Except they did. When they called the time out before stopping the Patriots on 4th down, I thought I was gonna **** myself. Then on the next 4TH down, they get called for interference. I actually did **** myself. Then, when the Patriots finally scored that touchdown (but was that really a touchdown? I don't think so, but whatcha gonna do) and dufus got the double fifteen-yard penalties, I reached back and grabbed a clump of crap from my jockey shorts and started flinging it around the room. Then, when the Ravens threw the ball down the field on the last play of the game and the guy caught it at the THREE YARD LINE but couldn't score, well, I can't even tell you what I did, but let me just say, my neighbors are NOT amused.
Good. The Steelers get to knock these bastards off now.
At 1:00 PM eastern standard time, December 9th, 2007, it is on, baby!
My prediction: STEELERS 33 PATRIOTS 30
Ben had better play well this week, or I'm going to look like a real jagoff here...
steelers and patriots are not badminton teams? who knew?
Glad I'm not Kicky's flippin' housekeeper.
Kick, for the Steeler's to win, we need to start Charlie me, I got this figgerred out. :wink:
Ha! Charlie Batch is not a bad QB at all. Ben is good when he's good, but when he's off, he sucks my...anyway, I just hope he's having one of his hot days. If so, it's in the bag!
I cannot believe people are addicted to such ridiculous game!
Francis wrote:I cannot believe people are addicted to such ridiculous game!

Sure you can.
This is struggle, triumph, passion, and pagentry!
This is Atlas, Sysiphus, Tantalus and Prometheus!
This is the metaphor for all human striving!
BTW, I voted "Patriots".
And I protest your snide use of upper and lower case.
Now we know....George writes Kornheiser's pregame monologue.
I thought that rambling sounded familiar...
the pates have the guiding hand of satan gently nudging them to perfection...
Anything but that!
I thought was just a rash.
Stop whining, and enjoy watching the dynasty.
F**K the media. Why the hell are they talking about some "conspiracy" crap the NFL wants the Patriots to go undefeated???
Did any of these idiots watch the Pats/Colts game, where flags were being thrown at the Pats all day long, for penalties that didn't happen?
Last night's game was not officiated too poorly.
That wasn't a win it was a gift. The last touchdown that was, wasn't. The reciever was clearly out of bounds before he secured the ball.
they took a good long look at it and determined it was a catch...
R(i thought it was a catch)P
Inorder for that to have been rulled a catch the rules would have had to be changed.
Look au, it was a judgement call on the refs part. There was no conclusive evidence to overturn the call. On the other hand, if it was originally ruled no catch, I'm sure the review would have stuck with that call too.
You can't say it was "definitely" not a catch, because for starters, you obviously don't know what the rule is on calling that play. It could have been called either way, going by the rule. He wasn't bobbling the hell out of the ball, he was just bringing it down as he was stepping out. With full "control."
I didn't think it was a catch, but I don't think it would have mattered even if they'd overturned it. New England would have scored on the next play anyway. Or maybe the next one. Or maybe the next one. Either way, I'm all but certain the Ravens would have kept f*cking themselves in the ass until they got the job done.
Kicky, I feel yer pain.....
Can they just fuc**ng lose already...
(GTH Boston
