One man's treasure is another man's poison. One man's tricky is another man's perceptive go-getter and winner.
Not to defend o0r even justify his inglorious past, when Spy-gate scandal occurred, he was rightly caught. He was doing what occasionally coaches have done from time-to-time on NFL teams...steal signs. Way back before the hi-tech means, they used to steal signs using binoculars. He took it to higher tech level. This made him rightfully labeled 'tricky' and amoral.
This time I still see this matter as combination breakdown of officials having an inconsistent protocol of an established chain of custody perhaps. Brady and what he did and why...who knows? the sad truth is...they beat them like a rented a mule..and would have beat them if the balls were made out of soap.
I just wish this all never happened because it's all so senseless. You never hear about the games or strategies or anything else -- even in mainstream news.
Are we at war...or under threat of killer diseases? What the hell is media doing to inform us of the real news?