Sat 17 Jan, 2015 10:12 pm
To whoever can help me with my problem,
This problem is to address a problem in Chuckawalla Valley State Prison where individual bunks do not have access to TV and if there were a way to send out the signal from the warden's office to the rest of the dorm.
I'm looking for a way to amplify the signal received in one office and have it sent out 150 feet for other televisions to receive the frequencies and be able to change the channels from their own TV. What kind of hardware would I need to take the signal from one Dish, for example, and have it sent out for individual antennas to receive.
I thought pirating cable signals was a jailable offense.
I can tell you but it'll cost a pack cigs and a cup of pruno.
Rick try Googling, eg, "TV signal relay"