Wed 9 Jun, 2004 12:49 pm
I'm slamming Mongolian Mothers with my girlfriends right? And this geek says my dad totally sucks as president and I had my secret service guy like kick his was sooo.... awesome so like vote for my dad okay? Can I get another drink?
I await their comments with baited breath, heh heh, misspelling intended, because it will be the biggest joke since the last election.
One of the Bush daughters used to live down the street from me while she went to school at UT.
There was a black surburban parked outside of her place every day, that my buddy Josh and I used to walk by on the way to class. One day they had the windows down and we decided to go over and have a chat with the secret service agents, who were guarded but pretty friendly, and not too happy about having to look after this girl at all hours of the day and night.
I would love to see one of them try to give a serious speech on world issues. Might hurt more than it helps her daddy's cause.
Serious speech from a bu$h daughter???
On what? Booze and underage drinking like daddy?
Quote: She feels ''a certain amount of relief'' that this is her husband's final campaign.
I believe she means "breath", rather than "campaign."
Who ever is pouring the drinks just gave me a few too many! lol!! Or, is there such a thing? Hmm....
What on earth is this post about? The bartender was a bit too generous tonight!!