I just can't WAIT for the conspiracy theorists. (The same ones who believe that we have Osama Bin Laden in a jail somewhere and are just waiting for the election to loom closer before 'revealing him')
They should soon start spouting the line that either Reagan was killed or was already dead and the Republican's just waited to announce his death for maximum political gain.
I know I'm gonna see something like this on a website soon.
Evil Republican Plan for election victory
December 2003: Reveal that we captured Saddam Hussain (Even though the Kurds captured him months earlier)
March 2004: Introduce Diebold voting machines to ensure election results.
June 2004: Unthaw Reagan and announce death for maximum sympathy vote.
September 2004: Announce the capture of Osama bin Laden (Who we secretly have hidden in a jail in Iraq)
October 2004: mysteriously locate a 'stockpile' of WMDs in Iraq that have been pre-positioned from stocks in Rocky Mountain Arsenal.
November 2004: Win election (Or steal if we have too via machines)
December 2004+ Domination of world by America begins.
The sad part is, I've seen websites that seem to believe that something like this is happening/has happened.