Voter Fraud, Method to the Madness

Mon 5 Jan, 2015 04:14 pm
Compte said we question authority. Wondering about voter fraud in America. Everyone is ruling that out like mad. It's widespread theory, but stands unproven. I'm thinking that photo ID's would, generally speaking, be state issued drivers license. Makes me wonder what is each state requirement, when an address changes. I believe in Tennessee you are required to change your address upon moving and the choice is yours as to whether to pay a fee, and receive an updated hard copy license. And what the requirement by each state is in regards to returning/destroying that particular license. My core thought is a person could have like 2 valid license inside a voting year if he moved. He could move twice within the same district or once in one district and once in another district. Back to the ID's although both would appear valid one should have been destroyed. And maybe the middle initial would change. But here's another factor, would military members in the population have a drivers license and a military ID which could be very deceptive to a worker at the polls. Or could a military/civilian voter, vote once with the military ID and once with the Drivers License. Now military personnel retain or could possibly retain a military ID card when coming off active duty. So it is possible that he would have a valid looking ID card, and not actually be on active duty. Retirees have valid ID Cards, and military personnel on active duty within our communities have valid ID cards. Providing a means of deceptively voting more than once. Now military personnel are noted for moving around a lot. So that would give them multiple addresses. And then you have the problem of same names like John Smith, how many of those are valid. It seems to me you would almost have to have a valid census roster to assure that voter fraud is not taking place. Then you have the problem of database tampering. Although ID's are presented a state could dummie up a database and then present it as valid. That wouldn't be hard at all. To have it prepared ahead of time. To actually have a secure vote you would have to canvas the district by foot and take name of each and every person by address. And have them present a valid photo at that time that the poll workers could bounce the ID's off of to ensure accuracy. It seems ID cards let's in more evil's than it cures. There would have to be a requirement that the ID cards be state issued. If you move you would have to physically come in and have the prior card destroyed. I guess the best thing to do would be to have a day just prior to the election and have federal workers hired from the local populace to canvas and collect photos and addresses to names and provide poll workers with said same on election day. Wouldn't you to have secure votes? Help me out here folks.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 6 • Views: 1,505 • Replies: 13
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Mon 5 Jan, 2015 04:58 pm
Maybe this have a public "Voter Validation Day", five to 10 days prior to the election. Canvas door to door and have a hand held device whereby the photo ID would be made at that time. It would have to be like a Federal Holiday. People would have to be in there homes all day. Each election maybe have the ID color changed. That way physical address to photo to valid card problem would go away.
Mon 5 Jan, 2015 05:59 pm
why don't we implant RFIDs into everyone of voting age? That way we could scan them as they proceed to vote AND, they can use it to pay for groceries in the supermarket.
Mon 5 Jan, 2015 06:09 pm
farmerman wrote:

Hehehehehehe . . . . it just cracks me up that the right wingnuts get all bent out of shape about voter ID, and blithely ignore machine fraud.
Tue 6 Jan, 2015 10:07 am
I don't understand what is meant? What is an RFID and what does that have to do with a supermarket?
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Tue 6 Jan, 2015 10:09 am
Who is right winged and who ignored machine fraud? I personally am a Democrat, and have ignored nothing.
Tue 6 Jan, 2015 10:13 am
To read about RFID's and their future in tracking your every move
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Tue 6 Jan, 2015 10:43 am
First of all, in order to vote you have to register. Registration requires a valid address and identification. When registering you sign under penalty of perjury that you are who you say you are and this is the address you live at and wish to be registered to vote at. I believe SS# is now required for voting registration. It also says in some form that your prior voting addresses will no longer be valid for voting purposes. Some states will automatically purge your previous voting address from voter rolls.

You have brought up many things but why would someone risk a felony to vote in more than one district. If you get caught voting more than once, you may find you will never be able to vote again if convicted.

Canvasing a neighborhood does nothing for you because most people would likely not be home. Many will have already voted absentee a week or more before election day.
Tue 6 Jan, 2015 12:09 pm
You've described an insanely expensive and difficult process required to get one additional vote. Wouldn't it make more sense just to pay to get a complete fake ID that would withstand any casual inspection at the polls? How much do college students pay to get an ID? $20?

The real problem with all the "voter id" laws that are being passed (other than the complete lack of evidence of fraud) is that they stop sizable numbers of legitimate voters from voting without stopping fraud at all. Any dedicated fraudster is going to get a fake ID and if I get a decent fake id, the retiree volunteer at the poll is not going to see anything amiss.
Tue 6 Jan, 2015 12:43 pm
In order for the fake ID to work there must be certain conditions to prevent it being found out after the fact.

The fake ID has to be a spoof of someone already registered to vote and the real person must not show up to vote before or after the person with the fake ID votes.
The fake ID must be for a fake voter registration. That voter registration must have the ability to be mailed a voter registration certificate to a valid address that won't be returned or questioned.

In the first case, there are instances of people showing up at the polls to vote and be told they have already voted. These cases are few and are often mistakes by poll workers in registering who voted.

Voter registration for invalid addresses also occur. The voter could have moved before the registration certificate was sent out. Voter information could have been entered wrong by government workers. The voter may have made an error in writing down the address. There have been a few cases of voters not understanding the registration process such as writing the street address of where they have their PO Box as where they live. There have also been cases of fraud using this process, one instance where the owner of a strip club had his employees file to vote with the address of the club so he could win a local election.
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Tue 6 Jan, 2015 02:21 pm
[url]You have brought up many things but why would someone risk a felony to vote in more than one district. If you get caught voting more than once, you may find you will never be able to vote again if convicted.[/url]

Why do people risk felonies for anything they do? Murder, theft and any other felony that could be committed, people don't mind committing the crimes, why would a rap sheet for voter fraud seem worse?
Tue 6 Jan, 2015 02:32 pm
diebold kept getting off on more massive counts. Seems they knew someone and could claim equipment malfunctions.
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Tue 6 Jan, 2015 02:55 pm
Being a Democrat doesn't mean that you're not right-wing, it just means that you're not as far to the right as the Republicans.
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Mon 10 Oct, 2016 02:20 am
67-year-old Leroy Switlick is angry.

He's angry because he's made three separate trips to the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office in Milwaukee to get a photo ID so he can vote in next month's general election.

Each time he's come away empty-handed.

Leroy has voted in every presidential election for more than 40 years, but Wisconsin's new voter ID law means that even though he's registered, he will not be able to cast his ballot without showing photo ID such as a driving licence or passport.

"It's silly," he says.

Switlick, who has been partially sighted for most of his life, never learned to drive - and so never had a driver's license. He was not previously required to have a state-issued ID for any other purpose.

"The first question the man behind the counter asked me was 'Can I see your photo ID?' Now if I'm coming to get a photo ID, how can I already have a photo ID?"

Each time he visited the DMV, he took a satchel full of documents including his birth certificate.

But the DMV never actually examined his papers.

On the second visit, the official he had been told to ask for simply didn't show up; and on the third occasion, accompanied by a lawyer, he was told the computers were down, though officials at DMV's head office told his lawyer later there had been no record of a computer problem on that day.

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