However, elections, particularly national elections, do not ultimately hinge on a mere battle of ideas. While policy is important to a majority of voters who do vote their pocketbooks and their conception of the national interest, an election cannot be won without appealing to the 10-20% of voters who are swayed not by the message but by tone and attitude of the candidates, as well as the general "images" of the parties. Gene Lyons recently referred to this important voting bloc as the "Moron-American community." (They also comprise the contemptible "late deciders" who make national election outcome predictions impossible until election day - when they make their voting decisions.)
Al Gore won the 2000 election only by the slightest of margins, thanks to an Axis of Incompetence that developed over the last decade and now imposes a decisive influence on elections and has wreaked untold destruction on our democracy: the dangerous combination of incompetent voters whose decisions are shaped by an incompetent mainstream media.
The margin in 2000 was disgracefully slim because the national media had convinced the Moron-American community that an immature and incompetent frat boy was "likable," and that "likeability" mattered more than anything else.
Likeability and unlikeability, which were to be created with lies and exaggerations put forth by a group of unprofessional and embarrassing political "journalists" (though some were genuinely charmed by Bush rolling oranges down the aisle on his plane), were to matter more than responsible economic policies and more than critical national security policies.
MWO Manifesto