Looking for advice. Was I assaulted?

Sun 25 Jan, 2015 06:38 pm
Chanty Binx. Need I say more?

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Sun 25 Jan, 2015 06:40 pm

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Sun 25 Jan, 2015 06:43 pm
An article from one of the biggest mainstream news sites on the internet. Apparently snoring is "misogynist".

Snoring Is a Feminist Issue

It's the middle of the night, the alarm will be erupting in four hours, it's an important day ahead, the children have finally gone to sleep and the neighbours' teenager's rock band practice has finally ended. But all you can hear are the guttural fricatives of your partner beside you. They're not even rhythmic so it's not like you can get used to it. Sometimes the noise is a gentle bilabial trill, the lips only gently parting, then it's all quiet, then suddenly there is a crescendo from the throat, so forceful that you have to check it is actually them you went to bed with and not a giant boar.

I am talking about the hell that is someone else's snoring. As well as sounding like a pig in the room, it also seems to be the elephant in the room. A survey out this week conducted jointly by YouGov and Snoreeze, has revealed that 93% of women in relationships say their partner snores. Three quarters of them complain it affects their life in some negative way.

Which begs the question, why are women taking this lying down? (boom boom). When I've found myself subjected to a boyfriend's sinus acrobatics in stereo, I've taken my slumber elsewhere. I prefer to start my working day without looking like I've gone two rounds with Muhammed Ali.

Once, on a five-day break with one particularly nasally-challenged ex, I paid for a separate room on day three just to get some catch-up. It saved the holiday, but oh the protests! Accusations of neglect; complaints of lost intimacy; repeated questioning of 'what is wrong?' There was no grudge on my behalf though. I was perfectly chirpy and still in love (just). The problem wasn't his snoring, but the fact that separate sleeping is seen as such a taboo. Mainly, I should add, by men.

A friend recently told me how she too misses the quality restorative sleep she used to enjoy before she moved in with the boyf. The pair are blessed with a spare room but the few times she has used it, he complains that it 'isn't natural' for young, fresh, loved-up couples to sleep apart.

It sounds to me like he may have confused what is 'natural' with what we have made into a societal norm. Did you know that humans are the only animal to sleep and have sex in the same place? (Does your dog ever look like he got a bad night's sleep?) If my friend's bloke is so concerned with what is 'natural' perhaps he should read about the benefits of sleeping according to one's circadian rhythm. That is, falling asleep when you're tired, not going to bed and waiting to fall asleep because any minute now your partner's going to thud down beside you and wake you, just as soon as he's done with that one last episode of CSI.

It is hardly surprising that men don't appreciate the magnitude of REM interuptus. Multiple studies show that women sleep more lightly than men and find it harder to get back to sleep once woken. (Such as a paper by Austrian researchers called Sleep and Biological Rhythms and reported on by various media). Also, sixty per cent of men, compared to forty per cent of women over the age of 50 snore. Some men even think snoring is funny. Another ex in my collection used to play back the highlights from his 'snoring app' recording to his flat mate. They would roar with laughter at each crescendo.

The sleep-deprived need to get tougher. For starters, I demand a drop-down box on Internet dating profiles to forewarn whether a potential match is a snorer. We can specify non-smoker, why not non-snorer? We get a heads-up if a potential match is 'athletic' or have 'a few extra pounds' or if they are a 'social drinker' or 'drink heavily'. But we will never know if a night in their boudoir will cost us our productivity the next day until we've had a test drive.

Arianna Huffington once said that 'sleep is the next feminist issue.' She was referring to the fact that women tend to deal with young children in the night more than men. But the same can be said of snoring. Of course, many men are also the victim of a female's nocturnal percussion but statistically women get the duffer deal on sleeping.

This week's poll also disclosed that 87% of women have tried shaking, nudging or kicking their beloved snorer. Nine per cent admitted that they'd considered putting a pillow over their partner's face. (now that's good for intimacy.) The survey was endorsed by the manufacturers of the snoring product Snoreeze. It's a nice idea to take some medicine so we can sleep in each other's arms (I've never understood how that's possible anyway without getting pins and needles). But it is not helpful to perpetuate social rules on what constitutes a strong or loving relationship. Great if you can sleep in harmony but there are many more facets to love and partnership than lying next to each other unconscious. The only selfish person in a discussion about separate beds is the one who refuses to acknowledge what a serious issue sleep deprivation can be.

Sun 25 Jan, 2015 07:55 pm
I'm a person with lots of faults, mostly ordinary boring ones, but it has never occurred to me in all my posting years to act as someone else, so I tend to dismiss the imposter theory. On the other hand, this happens and it could be true in this thread, it's so hard to believe.

I will listen to conjecture that some six year old boy has been highly sexualized by circumstances in his young life, and needs therapeutic help, but I don't buy that from the descriptions by whitebars.

She is the one who grabbed him from the jungle gym. His hand displaced her apparently ill placed (no bra? loosey type tank top?) breast.
This is a teacher clothing issue in itself.

Seems like a seamless thread of paranoia, so I get that as possible, given whitebars is real, or... a set up for displeasure with feminists.

Part of the problemo is that many posters here are feminists, female or male, or listening sans fem hate.
And we're dealing with strange.

Also whitebars works misogyny as a hatchet at people who disagree with her, or her-apparently.
Sun 25 Jan, 2015 08:08 pm
Also whitebars works misogyny as a hatchet at people who disagree with her, or her apparently.

That's what feminists do! Literally EVERYTHING is "misogyny" to feminists. Disagreeing with a woman is not only "misogyny" to feminists, it's bordering on rape in their eyes!

Remember Dr. Matt Taylor from a few months back in the news for landing a man made craft on a moving comet for the first time in human history? Well if you don't remember that story, perhaps you'll remember it better by the fact that what got more news coverage wasn't this brilliant man doing something that no human being had ever done before, but instead that he showed up for the press conference wearing a shirt with cartoony pin-up girls on it. Feminists screamed "Misogyny!!!" at the top of their lungs, and bullied the poor man into crying on national TV because he was afraid to lose his job. Never mind that his FEMALE friend had designed the shirt in question, and he was wearing it in tribute to her.

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Mon 26 Jan, 2015 05:52 am
You are a rape apologist, misogynist, rapist pedophile!

Everything you've written here is disgusting!

And yes, God is a woman!

This is exactly why this site is misogynist. Rape apologizing misogynist website. You people are sick. Harassing trolls who blame victims of sexual assault. None of you people have empathy for victims.
0 Replies
Mon 26 Jan, 2015 06:13 am
, then why would it be illogical to surmise that men have issues unique to them that they need unique support for (thus men's rights)?

Women don't have equal rights! Men are paid more than women. Men get away with rape all the time! Men are encouraged to be misogynists by society! That you think men deserve more rights is disgusting!

This is why I don't care when rapists men get their penies cut off.

Mon 26 Jan, 2015 06:23 am
Fascinating... Women also snore so this is not a feminist issue though.
0 Replies
Mon 26 Jan, 2015 06:31 am
You're overacting a bit now - it gets less and less believable.
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Mon 26 Jan, 2015 06:31 am
Fantasizing about chopping somebody's genitals off? Maybe you are a fake after all... Even a bat-**** crazy feminist would know better than advertise this type of castrative tendency.
Mon 26 Jan, 2015 06:41 am
Fantasizing about chopping somebody's genitals off? Maybe you are a fake after all... Even a bat-**** crazy feminist would know better than advertise this type of castrative tendency.

I'm sorry, but why should I care about men who spout pro-rape propaganda? Men's rights? Seriously? We live in a patriarchy. Women have been institutionally marginalized by men. Women are paid far less than men. Women are shamed for their sexuality. There is nothing wrong with a woman's breasts. Christianity is sexist.

This nono person is a rape apologist and a misogynist.
Mon 26 Jan, 2015 06:53 am
I have gone through the Guardian coverage of this "shirtstorm", and the comments, and I can't stop laughing. We need to start a pin up thread...
0 Replies
Mon 26 Jan, 2015 06:58 am
You don't understand. You are HELPING nononononono with your rabid misandry. His take is that feminists are all as extreme as you are.
Mon 26 Jan, 2015 07:26 am
whitebars and nononono are a match made in heaven. Flip sides of the same coin. Laughing
Mon 26 Jan, 2015 07:58 am
I don't know. I think these types need to be taken seriously. Whitey is a teacher and she will teach hundreds of kids in her career. From what I can tell, chances are she will not be fair to the boys under her care, and that she will ooze for decades anti-men prejudice that her girl pupils will happily soak in. That level of toxicity is dangerous to society and to our kids, boys and girls alike. We had it comparatively easy but our boys won't.
Mon 26 Jan, 2015 03:30 pm
whitebars is no teacher. Real teachers who work in real public schools have protocols, colleagues, and administrators, to help them deal with the sort of student behaviors whitebars allegedly needed our advice about. The classroom teacher is not left to act on their own in this sort of matter--they are not the ultimate authority, and they would, in fact, risk a lawsuit for the school district were they to take any independent action toward a student based on an issue they considered to be sexual assault.

In fact, no one that steeped in an ideology, any ideology, to the extent it entirely distorted and colored their perception and interpretation of events, and their attitudes toward their students, as was/is the case with whitebars, could likely be found teaching in any public elementary school--for years yet. You wouldn't likely find religious fanatics, who might interpret a student's behavior as attributable to demonic possession, and requiring an exorcism, teaching there either, nor would you find outright bigots of any sort displaying clear discrimination toward particular students either.

There are standards and codes of conduct for those allowed to teach in our schools.

And a child would never be removed from a public school for displaying the particular behaviors whitebars cited in this case, as she claimed was the outcome of this situation.

Nothing about whitebars rings true.
I think these types need to be taken seriously

What "types"--the mentally ill? That's primarily what someone like whitebars represents.

whitebars is a fictional creation, apparently conceived as a sockpuppet, by an anti-feminist, who I suspect is a regular A2K poster, to promote the alleged dangers of allowing feminists to teach in our schools. She represents every cliché and negative stereotype of a man-hating feminist that an anti-feminist could dream up. You've chosen to swallow, and believe, the bait, despite the fact that anyone who sounded like that, or even thought like that, wouldn't be employable in a public school--their craziness would be way too apparent, and it would have become apparent long before they had been teaching for years.
That level of toxicity is dangerous to society and to our kids, boys and girls alike

I think the level of toxicity toward feminists, expressed in the noxious fictional persona of whitebars, as well as in various other threads, is dangerous to society and to our kids. There is nothing inherently evil about those who promote equal opportunity for women, which is the essence of feminism, and a very brave 17 year old Pakistani young woman was just awarded the Nobel Prize for doing just that. And Hillary Clinton, who might well become our next President, is considered to be one of the world's most influential and highly regarded feminists.

Do either of those two women sound like crazed man-haters to you?

Are there bat-**** crazy feminists? I'm sure there are. There are bat-**** crazy Christians too. And, the most evangelical among that latter group, insist that everyone who doesn't embrace Jesus is headed for Hell, and they incessantly tell non-believers, and those of other faiths, and even those already in the flock, including little children, that they will perish in a Lake of Fire if they're not firmly on the Jesus bandwagon .

But we don't generally negatively characterize all Christians as being bat-**** crazy the way that feminists are being routinely negatively characterized, in thread after thread on these boards, by self-avowed male anti-feminists who are extremely ignorant of the fact that current mainstream feminism opposes all forms of gender discrimination--which is why they strongly support LGBT rights, and oppose discrimination against men as a group.

Clearly, this thread was never about a teacher seeking advice about how to deal with a student's behavior. It was all about presenting a rather warped view of feminists as destructive man-haters, which is essentially the negative stereotyped view of feminism promoted on the men's rights activists Web sites which continually blame "feminists" for disadvantaging and marginalizing men.

People seriously interested in addressing and understanding societal problems aren't going to childishly reduce them to a pro-feminist or anti-feminist dichotomy, or conceptualize them exclusively in terms of some sort of gender warfare or gender competition. Yet we seem to suddenly have an abundance of threads at A2K taking that simplistic line of thought. It's all the more puzzling because we haven't had any genuinely committed feminists posting here in years, and, even in the past, they were few and far between.

So the anti-feminists, who start and engage in most of these threads now, are attempting to stereotype an extremely diverse group for the sole purpose of setting up a straw man to oppose, and it's actually an artificially manufactured controversy because it really doesn't represent the views of either most men or women who post here at A2K. These anti-feminists are, mainly, disgruntled men grinding their individual axes and using feminism, or their particular distorted view of it, as some sort of scapegoat. But all that does is encourage more stereotyping because we have no posters strongly representing a current legitimate mainstream feminist perspective on particular social issues to provide balance--most of our members, including the anti-feminist contingent, are not even familiar with the current philosophical views of today's leading feminists, nor can they even name these individuals, nor do they know how their issues and views differ from those of feminists 30 years ago, nor do they know how these feminist views differ from those of the average woman, nor do they particularly care. All of that ignorance simply promotes more inaccurate stereotyping of feminists and thread discussions on the subject that are essentially meaningless and shallow.

To emphasize "feminists" in these discussions fails to consider the views of the average woman, or even to recognize that the average woman posting at A2K may have particular views on social issues that are gender-influenced, by virtue of her particular life experience as a female, and by her capacity to empathize with other women, even women in distinctly different cultures, and these views were independently arrived at with no influence from any feminist thinkers . So some of the negative comments ostensibly directed toward "feminism" in these threads are regarded by other posters, both male and female, as being misogynist mainly because they are negative statements about women in general, and mainly because they reveal general antipathy toward woman in general.

Mon 26 Jan, 2015 03:50 pm
Olivier5 wrote:

Whitey is a teacher and she will teach hundreds of kids in her career.

Whitebars is only a teacher because "she" says so. Note the quote marks around the she.
Mon 26 Jan, 2015 04:01 pm
Whitebars could still be a simple assault under every rock type, paranoia strikes deep, except that I agree with you that the descriptions of his behavior in this thread would be unlikely to have precipitated having the boy removed in a public school in the US - and plenty of other places - today.

Odd fiction, if so.
Mon 26 Jan, 2015 05:27 pm
To each his or her own. I can keep my eyes open and not commit to a conclusion yet... but i will need better evidence than that to conclude that this is an antifeminist troll. I personally know women like that in real life. She could be a real man-hater. They exist.

To fly, did she mention a PUBLIC school? Could be private...

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