Looking for advice. Was I assaulted?

Sun 1 Feb, 2015 09:32 pm
I post N.O.W.'s current positions and you respond by citing intra-organizational disagreements and positions within N.O.W. from the 1970's--that's 40 years ago. You are aware it's 2015, aren't you?

N.O.W.'s position has never changed since the 70's you lepton! Drunk

Max pointed this out as well!

You need to invest in a dictionary, that's not what the word means or infers.


Why do you feminists have such a hard time understanding that ACTUAL behavior is a different thing than what a person says? I'm sure if a person stated that they weren't racist, but then proceed to discriminate against black people by not hiring them, you would recognize the difference between talk and action right?

It's the same concept with N.O.W. saying they're advocating for everyone. It's MEANINGLESS LIP SERVICE!

You find ME some proof that N.O.W. is doing one damn thing for father's rights!

A gay man visiting the A Voice for Men Web site would have a hard time finding or seeing any support for gay issues and same sex marriage and any strong opposition to societal discrimination against gays. It pretty exclusively focuses on concerns of heterosexual men, with an anti-feminist focus.

BULLSHIT! Where is your evidence for this??? Show me an example from AVFM.

By the way, the man below is one of the most prominent anti-feminists. He goes by the name 'The Justicar' on youtube, and he is OPENLY GAY!

Sun 1 Feb, 2015 09:42 pm
This aired during the Super Bowl. Sarah Silverman is delivering a baby and says "Sorry, it's a boy."

Can you imagine the uproar if it had been a man in that commercial delivering a baby girl and saying "Sorry, it's a girl."? The world would lose it's collective ****! Yet another example of how misandry is accepted in society.

0 Replies
Sun 1 Feb, 2015 11:22 pm
It's the same concept with N.O.W. saying they're advocating for everyone.

When did they claim they were advocating for everyone? It's called the National Organization for WOMEN, dummy. Laughing

Does the NAACP advocate for everyone?

A deep thinker you're not. Laughing
Sun 1 Feb, 2015 11:39 pm
When did they claim they were advocating for everyone?

You're the one who said something to that effect, you stupid twat. I was reiterating your horseshit back at you.

Mon 2 Feb, 2015 12:07 am
No, I never said anything like that, dummy--I know it's an advocacy group for women. Laughing

You offer nothing more than a constant flow of horseshit, generally highly repetitive horseshit, which makes it extremely boring horseshit.

I thought you were leaving A2K, and would only drop in occasionally in the future. You can't be believed about anything Laughing

Mon 2 Feb, 2015 12:16 am
I thought you were leaving A2K, and would only drop in occasionally in the future.

Call me sadistic, but it's entertaining to make fun of the mentally retarded (present company included) sometimes. Laughing
Mon 2 Feb, 2015 12:26 am
fairness in sex, sex without fear of paternity suits etc...

Believe it or not, muslims have a sort of a unique and workable approach to that one:

Mon 2 Feb, 2015 12:52 pm
that must be a joke!
0 Replies
Mon 2 Feb, 2015 12:54 pm
that is stupid! what kind of fun is it if they retarded they don't know you making fun of them and they don't CARE!!! And you are giggling because person doesn't even KNOW he had been made fun of???
Mon 2 Feb, 2015 01:09 pm
Haha I know! But really has anyone ever been so far as to use go want to look more like?
0 Replies
Mon 2 Feb, 2015 02:53 pm
Yikes, were you raised by wolves or something. You couldn't take the standard of debate any lower than this.
0 Replies
Thu 5 Feb, 2015 08:35 am
To the people in this thread who have said that things like what whitebars described don't ever happen, read this. Apparently just having an imagination is enough to get you removed from school if you're a boy.

Fourth-Grader Suspended for 'Lord of the Rings' Magic

A 9-year-old boy who boasted to a classmate that he could make him vanish has disappeared himself – from school. Fourth-grader Aiden Steward was suspended from his elementary school in Kermit, Texas, on Friday, one day after making the alleged “terroristic threat,” as the Odessa American describes it, of promising another child he’d render him invisible with his fictional “one ring” from the J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy series The Lord of the Rings. “It sounded unbelievable,” dad Jason Steward tells the New York Daily News, maintaining that his son “didn’t mean anything by it.”

Aiden and his family had gone to see The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies the weekend before, and the father says his son was innocently making-believe. “Kids act out movies that they see. When I watched Superman as a kid, I went outside and tried to fly,” Steward says, adding, “I assure you my son lacks the magical powers necessary to threaten his friend’s existence. If he did, I’m sure he’d bring him right back.”

But principal Roxanne Greer didn’t see the charm in Aiden’s supernatural pretending and issued disciplinary action. The father says Greer told him that threats to another child’s safety would not be tolerated, even if they were make believe. The administrator declined to comment, insisting, “All student stuff is confidential.” Kermit Independent School District Superintendent Bill Boyd didn’t return Yahoo Parenting’s requests for comment.

The Texas Education Code, however, mandates that this type of mandatory leave “may not exceed three school days,” so Aiden should be back in action at school this week. Aiden’s dad says the family knows the deal by now. Aiden has experienced two in-school suspensions already this school year year — one for referring to a fellow student as “black” reports the New York Daily News, and the other for bringing “The Big Book of Knowledge” to school, which his teacher reportedly had an issue with because of its illustrations of a pregnant woman. “He loves that book,” says the dad. “They were studying the solar system and he took it to school. He thought his teacher would be impressed.”

Though the Stewards don’t believe Aiden’s actions warrant suspension, the principal was within her rights to issue the leave if she believed Aiden’s classmate’s “emotional health” was harmed. The Texas Education Code’s student code includes suspension as a means of “preventing and intervening in student discipline problems, including bullying, harassment, and making hit lists.” Under the guidelines harassment is defined as: “threatening to cause harm or bodily injury to another student, engaging in sexually intimidating conduct, causing physical damage to the property of another student, subjecting another student to physical confinement or restraint, or maliciously taking any action that substantially harms another student’s physical or emotional health or safety.”

Suspension and expulsion as a means of discipline has gotten out of control, though, acknowledged the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice last year in the “Discipline Guideline Package to Enhance School Climate and Improve School Discipline Policies/Practices.”

Thu 5 Feb, 2015 09:42 am
Tolkien was a poet. What more do you need to ban him from schools?
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Sat 7 Feb, 2015 07:39 am
Just FYI to anyone following this post; I found out through the grapevine that the boy has aspergers. So, autism is much more common in men than women, and it can tend to lead to violence.
Sat 7 Feb, 2015 08:27 am
I hope he finds a competent, decent learning institution out there that can bring him to his potenial. Aspergers can be geniuses.
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Sun 8 Feb, 2015 06:34 am
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Tue 24 Feb, 2015 08:37 am
Suck it firefly!!


Sigh. The more things change, the more they remain the same. A reader sent me the below. It’s a resolution from the National Organization for Women’s national conference back in 1996. I may as well reprint it in its entirety.


WHEREAS organizations advocating "fathers' rights," whose members consist of non-custodial parents, their attorneys and their allies, are a growing force in our country; and

WHEREAS the objectives of these groups are to increase restrictions and limits on custodial parents' rights and to decrease child support obligations of non-custodial parents by using the abuse of power in order to control in the same fashion as do batterers; and

WHEREAS these groups are fulfilling their objectives by forming political alliances with conservative Republican legislators and others and by working for the adoption of legislation such as presumption of joint custody, penalties for "false reporting" of domestic and child abuse and mediation instead of court hearings; and

WHEREAS the success of these groups will be harmful to all women but especially harmful to battered and abused women and children; and

WHEREAS the efforts of well-financed "fathers' rights" groups are expanding from a few states into many more, sharing research and tactics state by state; and WHEREAS many judges and attorneys are still biased against women and fathers are awarded custody 70% of the time when they seek it per the Association of Child Enforcement Support (ACES);

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the National Organization for Women (NOW) begin a national alert to inform members about these "fathers' rights" groups and their objectives through articles in the National Now Times (NNT); and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, as a part of this alert, NOW establish a clearinghouse for related information by sharing with NOW state and local Chapters the available means to challenge such groups, including the current research on custody and support, sample legislation, expert witnesses, and work done by NOW and other groups in states where "fathers' rights" groups have been active; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that NOW encourage state and local Chapters to conduct and coordinate divorce/custody court watch projects to facilitate removal of biased judges; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that NOW report to the 1997 National Conference on the status and result of this national alert whereupon its continuation or expansion will be considered. The next time someone tells you that feminists are all about gender equality, remember this resolution. Its frank misandry, utter disregard for the truth and tone of hysteria would be funny if organizations like NOW didn’t wield such power in state legislatures. Put simply, to date no feminist organization anywhere in the world has ever supported a bill to establish a presumption of equal parenting. And in many cases they’ve gone to bat against those bills. Gender equality? Not for dads.

And, speaking of dads, NOW has not a single good word to say about them. If we searched the world over, could we find a decent, loving father? Not according to NOW. No, groups like the National Parents Organization are most closely akin to men who batter their wives/partners. I’ll have to let our Executive Director, Rita Fuerst Adams, know that.

And notice too that, according to paragraph two, efforts by the many organizations worldwide that seek equality in parental rights are “using an abuse of power” to do so. Care to guess what that means? I hope you can, because I have no clue. Power? Yes, we lobby state legislatures, sometimes successfully, in an attempt to right the countless wrongs done to fathers and children by existing laws. Doing so happens to be our Constitutional right, but to NOW, it’s just brutal men battering helpless women. I wonder what it is when NOW lobbies on behalf of bills it supports. Who are they battering?

Then of course there’s the conceit in paragraph three regarding false allegations of domestic abuse. The term ‘false allegations’ is put in quotation marks, the better to communicate the message that there are none. Strange, studies of those allegations find that up to 85% are found to be meritless by courts and family lawyers candidly admit that they’re routinely used to gain an advantage in custody matters.

But NOW’s having none of it. For them, facts only get in the way of a good narrative about the innocence of mothers and the corruption and brutality of fathers. Of course if fathers were able themselves to gain the upper hand by claiming abuse by their wives, wouldn’t NOW bemoan that? Surely it would, so its opposition to penalties for false reporting of abuse strongly indicates it supports abuse by women.

Paragraph five is my favorite. “Well-financed ‘fathers’ rights’” groups is just too much. We wish.

Paragraph six actually makes the claim that, when they ask for it, fathers “are awarded custody 70% of the time.” Their source for that non-fact is the “Association of Child Enforcement Support (ACES).” Well, there is no such organization. After all, who is it that touts “Child Enforcement?” It sounds like a group dedicated to child slavery.

Now, there is an organization that calls itself ACES, an acronym for the Association for Children for the Enforcement of Support. Its website has no information at all about custody awards. In fact, the entire organization seems to consist of its website which provides information about various public services in the northern area of Colorado. An email sent to ACES about NOW’s claim has so far remained unanswered.

But aside from NOW’s patently false assertion, what do we actually know about the minutiae of custody awards? Well, not much. That’s because only one state, Washington, keeps even minimally detailed records of outcomes in custody cases. Nebraska takes an informal stab at it, but only Washington provides meaningful details. And, needless to say, the idea that 70% of fathers who ask for custody get it, is just flat wrong. In fact, the Washington data suggest that a father’s vigorously contesting custody may have the opposite effect. The proverbial bottom line is that 70% of no group of fathers anywhere gets custody of their children.

It’s a curious thing, NOW’s knee-jerk rejection of the legitimate rights of children and fathers. Oh, I know it’s really just silly. Essentially every word of the resolution is either entirely made up or deliberately misleading, but we’ve come to expect that of the feminist lobby. The fact is that NOW and other gender feminist organizations have long eschewed science in favor of a fictional narrative. There, as in all fiction, the writer is free to create villains and heroes, and construct a plot in which Good wages a lonely and desperate fight against the vast and shadowy forces of Evil. Seen in that way, NOW’s nonsense becomes perfectly understandable. Their goal is not to convince by facts, rational argument and a sense of morality. It’s to recruit believers who need neither facts nor logic, but an ever flowing stream of villains to fear and heroines for whom to cheer.

And so, it comes as no surprise that groups seeking equality in family courts are portrayed as some of those villains. Never mind that, when we’re finally successful and equal parenting is the law of the land, mothers will be freer than they’ve ever been to pursue careers, to work, earn and save for a more comfortable retirement. We’re working for that very feminist outcome and NOW’s working against it.

Hey, it makes as much sense as anything in the upside-down world of gender feminism.

Thanks to Paul for the heads-up.

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