Clinton's "My Life"

Reply Fri 4 Jun, 2004 10:23 pm
It has ranked in the top 10 on Amazon.com since the release date was announced. His speech at the Book Expo was met with unbridled enthusiasm.

Clinton will be interviewed by Dan Rather for 60 Minutes on Sun Jun 20. The book is officially relased Tue Jun 22, with more appearances that week on Oprah, Today Show, etc.

I'm in a key state this election. Here's me crossing my fingers he heads my way for a book signing.

The summer starts with a bang. All Clinton, all the time. Yes, folks. Buffy luvs Bill!

Very Happy
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,617 • Replies: 16
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Joe Nation
Reply Sun 6 Jun, 2004 08:47 am
Sic'em Bill.
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Reply Sun 6 Jun, 2004 02:03 pm
I watched a repeat on CSPAN of Bill's speech at the Book Expo. Counting down the days .....
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Reply Sun 6 Jun, 2004 02:06 pm
No I won't read it, but not because I dislike Clinton. I don't care for political autobiographies.
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Rick d Israeli
Reply Sun 6 Jun, 2004 03:12 pm
There should also have been the option: I won't read it (probably) for I don't want to pay money for it, but I am not a Clinton hater.
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Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2004 03:26 am
Hello everybody.
I'm a reader from Italy.
I bought it yesterday in a reduced version of 300pages translated "on the fly" and distributed by Italian magazine "Panorama".

I think this book is great. I've lived in the US (California) in 1992-1993 for a year... I've seen Clinton rise, followed presidential campaign and love Clinton!
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Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2004 03:54 am
I won't shell out good money for it. I am going up to NY in July, and I understand that my son bought it. So maybe I will take a peek!
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Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2004 03:59 am
Doesn't answer questions when asked or doesn't remember and now has 950 pages worth of information and wants us to pay for it ? Fat chance Bubba !
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Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2004 12:04 am
Billapalooza has been quite the success. Broke records for a non fiction, and he doesn't slow down until the Dem convention. I've read through chapter 10 thus far; Bill is a talented raconteur and had an interesting childhood! Haven't gotten to the presidential years, and requisite policy wonkish recitiations. But early on, it's a pretty quick read, and very humorous.
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Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2004 04:13 am
More proof that Bill Clinton is the biggest liar of all time. It never stops with this guy.

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Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2004 09:18 am
I'm not about to buy an almost 1000-page book that even Clinton enthusiasts describe as mind-numbingly dull and which is entirely self-serving and adds almost nothing to historical truth or knowledge.
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Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2004 11:46 am
The book is not mindnumbingly dull. But ranks on par with practically ever other book written by or about a former president. People who base their opinion on innuendo and gossip instead of fact and evidence are singlehandledly what is wrong with this country.
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Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2004 01:23 pm
Someone who we have no idea of their memory capability recalls a different conversation. Big whump. Clinton isn't any worse a liar than any other politician -- show me one and I'll show you an aarvark who doesn't eat ants.

Richard Nixon didn't eat ants to my knowledge.
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Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2004 01:30 pm
Lightwizard wrote:
Someone who we have no idea of their memory capability recalls a different conversation. Big whump. Clinton isn't any worse a liar than any other politician -- show me one and I'll show you an aarvark who doesn't eat ants.

Richard Nixon didn't eat ants to my knowledge.

That's reassuring.
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Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2004 01:35 pm
Interestingly enough, the publication of this book has evoked mentions of U.S. Grant's memoirs, generally thought to be the best book by a former pres.

Grant wrote it when he was dying of cancer, practically broke, and hoping to help his family. Yet it must be quite a masterpiece. It's still in print, and I aim to read it some day...
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Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2004 01:41 pm
Now Grant's bio considering it could likely be called the most corrupt Presidency in our history is a great read. Haven't read it since college days, though and about the same time that Gore Vidal's novel "1876" was published.
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Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2004 03:31 pm
You may not consider it mind numbingly dull Buffy, but that's what the reviews have been and also the verdict from the two people I know who did buy it. But then it is possible many Clinton enthusiasts who think he's wonderful will also think his book is wonderful. I rather resent that I'm considered the problem with this country because I choose not to read a certain book.

I'll just bet you have skipped a few of the current best sellers out there too.
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