farmerman wrote:This week the great rush had tried to equate the fact that in WWII we were attacked by japan, and tHEN,(implying for no apparent reason) we went and started a fight against germany. his comparison was based on the fact that 9/11 came headquartered out of afghanistan , and then we ,(similar to the japan /Germany fight) followed up with an attack on Iraq. By that analogy it is obvious to me that Rush's grasp of history is fine tuned by his drug dependency.
His point here is that the "liberal" media has always been quick to blame the US . we do have a well defined sense of national remorse. i guess Id rather that our country be reluctantly dragged into wars, rather than engage in preemptive actions at the whim of a weak man who wishes to appear presidential. We lived with Hitler for about 10 years , when he, finally declared war on us because of his pact with japan , who attacked US.
I suppose it took some time for order to be restored in the defeated germany and Japan.
Im not sure that Rushs continuing logic of "two wrongs do make a right' works so well. Hes really not that bright , and his increasingly shaky logic makes me mindful of the movie with andy Griffith "A FAace In the Crowd' im waiting till Rush implodes in a great ball of gas that will be heard by his dittoheads.
I think you missed the point.The same liberals that are crying about us going into Iraq,saying they didnt attack us,have no problem with us going into war against Germany in WW2. Germany did not attack us,so why did we go to war against them.They didnt have the means to attack us.
I think he was pointing out the hypocrisy,thats all.
But,that does not address the issue I brought up.
If you noticed in the article from Life magazine,the reporter was saying that it was our fault that Europe had been ravaged,that it was our fault that people were homeless.The writer inferred that it was our fault that the Italian wheat crop was so low.
The press even then was looking for reasons to blame the US,and in many ways they still do.
At,least thats what I think he was saying.