@Greatest I am,
GrAm (or is it DL), I've felt without much hope that philo and relig ought to be taught starting in grade school
Quote:We must save our children from foolish belief in the supernatural.
That depends of course on what one means by "supernatural." I see the Big Bang and evolution as perfectly natural processes though of course there's a lot we don't understand about either
So as an apodictical existential pantheist I view the Universe as Her body and all the activity therein as Her thought. Completely free of from the contradiction and paradox of dualism this view might satisfy both the atheist and ardent canonist, attachment of the term "God" being entirely arbitrary
Quote:If the U.S. fails to educate it’s children properly ….. --- the U.S. will shrink it’s economy and power…...
Very pertinent observation but as I said I don't offer much prospect