Quote:What I'm finding is a lot of "We bought this 6 months ago and then decided to redecorate".
which is most of the time "We bought this 6 months ago but it sucks and we need to unload it while we can still get something for it".
This is what we did....devoted a lot of time, usually the better part of a day, going around to all of the stores. We breeze through, sit in stuff, take note of that we kinda like, what we dont like, and what does not seem to stand up well to being on display. We had some stores that we were in for only a few minutes because we hated everything. Over time we learned what we like and what we dont. We had a good idea of the list prices, knew which staff seemed the least pushy but most helpful, and sometimes we took that knowledge and doubled back on stores. Feeling what is comfortable, what seems to have good fabric and good stitching (wife knows all about that stuff), what squeaks and what does not, what is heavy and what is not(not fool proof, but heavy is usually better made) was very helpful. Sometimes we take notes on things that might be good enough. Then we either buy what we liked best, or was the best value, or called the day a learning day and decided that nothing was what we wanted. Some pieces have taken over a year to find.
Fav story. Lived at Ft Huachuca, shopped in Tucson. Was looking for a dinning room table, we did not have to buy anything as we had crap Army furniture that we had bought for almost nothing when the Army Closed Munich as we were leaving. It had taken years of beatings from constant use and was starting to fall apart. Think we had been looking for about 6 months. We are going to Costco to load up the van with a month of supplies because shopping near the fort sucks and we are going to look though a couple of furniture stores first. We go in this massive store and head back to where the tables are, in the back of the store. There are over a dozen of the big tables together. And there it is, this massive wood eight chair deal with lots of wood grain and given the distressed look. It looked very much like a table we had seen a year before and loved while spending a afternoon buying booze and eating in Nogales Mex, it is was in a store where we were looking at drink glasses. We both see our new table at about the same time and almost screamed, running over to it and sitting in it.
When it comes to cars, women and furniture once I am in it I expect to have it around a long time.I hate hate hate shopping so I only want to do it once. I am going to do it right, Invest a lot of time into doing it right the first time, I am going to get what I want if I get anything. If we cant afford the right thing then we wait, I would rather have nothing or some temp crap, we just tell visitors that we are looking, that the current stuff is only because we have not found what we want yet.