There are plenty of investigative journalists who disagree with you.
Further, the 'histories' listed are very consistent with US foreign policy actions, economic motivations, and political fears & motivations that the US has engaged in over the last century (if you also read from other sources)
One of the difficulties in engaging in such discussions is that to be properly informed, you need to be prepared to look into both sides of the histories. This is because:
- politicians have a vested interested in painting themselves and their legacy in the best possible light
- to that end, political sectors to manipulate what news reaches the populace and the slant that news takes (govt's PR departments) is an area that has grown exponentially. In Australia at least, between 1992-2007 they grew 10 times in size.
- multinationals have a similar vested interest, because it reduces oversight and facilitates profit when they are viewed favourably by their main clientele, even if what they do in 3rd world countries is extremely corrupt / undermines those local industry etc
- newspapers self interest is in generating emotion. To do this, they otherwise generate a scandal, or they play on peoples prejudices, preconceptions and fears...writing things from those perspectives. They steer away from stories that make the populace uncomfortable, or that could damage their brand / reputaton. This means distorted reporting, or non reporting of many events.
Now, whether or not you agree with the above tactics or not is beside the point. The point is that such things above lead to very one sided report, and often non reporting of many events.
Basically, you can't get both sides of history from the mainstream western sources (ie TV news, Newspapers). Without properly looking into such, all you are doing is allowing yourself to be brainwashed. Of course, when you look into both sides, the main question for both sides (the for & against) is
- 'does this make sense fit coherently into the bigger picture?'
The follow up question is to test it's veracity:
- does this hold true for historical, and future events
If the answer is 'yes', then you have something you can use as a guide...
I find exactly the same problem with the discussion on Islamist terrorism. News is happy to report people shouting Allahu Akbhar while blowing themselves and other people up...but not to investigate the causes, nor to discuss solutions (other than sloganism)
To find that out for yourself, you need to be willing to look into other sources, and vett both sides versions for consistency with events.