Are there any peaceful muslim nations?

Sat 31 Jul, 2004 09:05 pm
Pretty broad brush there, glad_to_be. Of course, broad brushes are common in this sort of discussion ... and the use of them is non-partisan in distribution. That in itself is and always has been a huge contributor to and enabler of the overall problem, IMO.
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Sat 31 Jul, 2004 09:15 pm
I think Glad qualified his opinion to include that all Christians are not tarred with the bursh though Timber.

There is no way I think of my Muslim neighbors as militant or dangerous or unAmerican or any other negative. I wish their cat would quit terroizing our mourning doves, but other than that they're great neighbors. To assume that all Muslims everywhere are militant and out to get us just flies in the face of all reason.

I don't think Glad thinks all Christians are out to get him either.

I do hope Christians will have the backbone to rein in and condemn the pockets of Christian oppression where they exist and I hope peace loving Muslims will have the backbone to denounce and condemn the Muslim extremists who make war and terrorize peace loving people.

All that it takes for good to prevail is for good people to insist on it no matter what they call themselves.
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Sat 31 Jul, 2004 09:15 pm
Sofia wrote:
TASHKENT, Uzbekistan (AP) -- President Islam Karimov blamed suicide bombings against the U.S. and Israeli embassies on the same group behind similar attacks earlier this year, pleading in a nationwide TV address Saturday for Uzbeks to spurn extremist Islamic influences.

I'm not quite sure how the actions of (purported) Uzbek rebels is supposed to reflect on the religion of Islam here, but for the record I am not at all surprised that possibly the most ruthless dictator of Central Asia is eager to blame such a practical bugbear for any violent resistance to his regime's torture and clampdowns.

It's sound advice for any dictator right now, in fact: blame the Islamists and you'll be sure noone will ask too many critical questions - with a bit of luck, you'll even get some financial-military support for your continued repression. If the Uzbek opposition is radicalising now, there is only one guilty party: the ex-communist Islam Karimov, along with the crazy Turkmenbashi the most corrupt and cruel dictator Central Asia has known since Stalin.

Sofia wrote:
But, the word Christian is derived from Christ's name, and anyone who has read Him has no backing in His words or teachings that murder is OK under any circumstances--and He never called anyone to kill or try to establish a worldwide Christian government.

I doubt that Mohammed called for the establishment of a "worldwide Muslim government" - that phrase, you just adopted from a purported call by present-day Uzbek rebels. A kingdom of God to rule over the world or somesuch language - probably - much like you'll find such stuff in the Bible.

I know little about the Bible, myself, so I'll have to butt out of that one soon enough - but just here on A2K alone I've seen some literal quotations from the Bible that are everything as hateful and call as clearly for killing unbelievers as you'll find in the Qu'ran. Thats a pissing contest that quickly becomes meaningless, especially as the Qu'ran is as varyingly interpreted and used in the current-day Muslim world as the Bible has been in the Christian world.

Extremists are a problem, and Islamist extremists now are more of a problem than Christian extremists, imho. Uganda (?) may have its murderous, Christian "Army of the Lord", but the swell of militancy is greater in the Muslim world, at the moment. That, however, is very far removed from claiming that the extremists somehow represent what Islam or Muslims are like, overall.

Note this: after the Al-Qaeda attack in Casablanca, Morocco, some 800,000 Moroccans demonstrated against terror in the city. 800,000 Moroccans against terror - contrasted with how many Al Qaeda militants in the city? Only a dozen or two were needed to wreck the havoc of a terrorist attack ... only a hundred are necessary to pose a grave danger to (inter)national safety. But who better represents the Moroccan Muslim population, overall?
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Sat 31 Jul, 2004 09:20 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
I do hope Christians will have the backbone to rein in and condemn the pockets of Christian oppression where they exist and I hope peace loving Muslims will have the backbone to denounce and condemn the Muslim extremists who make war and terrorize peace loving people.

All that it takes for good to prevail is for good people to insist on it no matter what they call themselves.

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Sat 31 Jul, 2004 09:21 pm
EhBeth-- I do.


For more than two centuries, Wahhabism has been Saudi Arabia's dominant faith. It is an austere form of Islam that insists on a literal interpretation of the Koran. Strict Wahhabis believe that all those who don't practice their form of Islam are heathens and enemies
Wahhabism's explosive growth began in the 1970s when Saudi charities started funding Wahhabi schools (madrassas) and mosques from Islamabad to Culver City, California
Here are excerpts from FRONTLINE's interviews with Mai Yamani, an anthropologist who studies Saudi society; Vali Nasr, an authority on Islamic fundamentalism; Maher Hathout, spokesperson for the Islamic Center of Southern California; and Ahmed Ali, a Shi'a Muslim from Saudi Arabia.

If you go to school in Saudi Arabia, what do you learn about people who are not followers of Wahhabi, of the prophet?

The religious curriculum in Saudi Arabia teaches you that people are basically two sides: Salafis [Wahhabis], who are the winners, the chosen ones, who will go to heaven, and the rest. The rest are Muslims and Christians and Jews and others.

They are either kafirs, who are deniers of God, or mushrak, putting gods next to God, or enervators, that's the lightest one. The enervators of religion who are they call the Sunni Muslims who ... for instance, celebrate Prophet Mohammed's birthday, and do some stuff that is not accepted by Salafis.

And all of these people are not accepted by Salafi as Muslims. As I said, "claimant to Islam." And all of these people are supposed to be hated, to be persecuted, even killed. And we have several clergy -- not one Salafi clergy -- who have said that against the Shi'a and against the other Muslims. And they have done it in Algeria, in Afghanistan. This is the same ideology. They just have the same opportunity. They did it in Algeria and Afghanistan, and now New York. ...

What do you mean, it reached New York?

Well, when it was a local problem, the American media did not really care much about it. But until September 11, you saw how this faith of hate, I call it, did to all of us, to New Yorkers and to the rest of the world, honestly. ...

... Yes, Prince Nayif condemned bin Laden, and other princes... Prince Turki condemned bin Laden. They did not condemn that message. They condemned bin Laden. ... Bin Laden learned this in Saudi Arabia. He didn't learn it in the moon. That message that Bin Laden received, it still is taught in Saudi Arabia. And if bin Laden dies, and this policy or curriculum stays, we will have other bin Ladens. ...

Can you show me an example of what the [religious teaching is in the schools?

Well, here, this is a book, hadif, for ninth grade. Hadif is a statement of Prophet Mohammed. This is a book that start for ninth graders. This is talking about the victory of Muslims over Jews. This is a hadif that I truly believe it's not true, as a Muslim:

"The day of judgment will not arrive until Muslims fight Jews, and Muslim will kill Jews until the Jew hides behind a tree or a stone. Then the tree and the stone will say, 'Oh Muslim, oh, servant of God, this is a Jew behind me. Come and kill him.' Except one type of a tree, which is a Jew tree. That will not say that." This is taught for 14-year-old boys in Saudi Arabia.

In middle schools...

In middle schools, yes. Official middle schools. This is a book printed by Saudi government Ministry of Education.

Probably there would be a relation between an interpretation of Islam that lacks tolerance, and is a more narrow vision of the world. But particularly the problem is about the political systems that promote this type of interpretation of religion. This gives people the excuse, the platform, to go ahead and express themselves in Islamic language to suit their purpose of political ends
The dominant school of Islam with which the Taliban associate -- which is known as the Deobandi school -- is very prominent in Afghanistan and also in wide areas of Pakistan. Northern India has increasingly gravitated toward Wahhabi teaching, and has very, very strong organizational ties with various Wahhabi religious leaders.

The nature of these Islamic beliefs, you're saying, foster fundamentalist extremism?

The teachings are fundamentalist in the definition you have in mind. The question is who's going to cross the line and engage in violent acts or not
If you freeze things at his time -- which was the eighteenth century, or the late part of the seventeenth century, I don't remember the dates exactly -- it becomes very stagnant and very literalist. And a very straitjacketed puritan approach that does not cater to the changeables and the dynamics of life. People call this Wahhabism

Saudis, by the way, never say, "We are Wahhabis." They say, "We are just Muslims." But they follow the teachings, and the major booklets taught in all schools are the books of Muhammed bin Abd al-Wahhab. Anyone who's subscribing to someone else is not very much welcomed.

So there's a quote in the [New York Times] article that we were looking at before that basically says that Saudi Arabians believe that their form of Islam ... is the real true form of Islam, and that pretty much any other kind of way of practicing Islam is wrong.


So they, that group of people, believe that this is the only form and it does not change. This of course creates major problems, and it creates some kind of schizophrenic situation. ... I don't think that Wahhabism ... will condone or accept lots of things that are done by some of the elite of Saudi Arabia who come to Las Vegas and have fun and do this and do that. And we don't hear a very strong voice exposing this or condemning them for that. But if they see a woman driving a car, they consider this a major sin. There is confusion here

glad to be muslim--
I commend you on your use of emoticons.
Ever been to a madrass?
Read the hadif?
Care to share to enlighten me with your deep information?
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Sat 31 Jul, 2004 10:06 pm
OK nimh--

Maybe you're right. Find me one reference where Christ advocates violence against those of other religions--or ANYBODY for that matter and I'll never bring up this subject again.

Find me a reference where any anti-abortion advocate could wiggle the words a bit, and find Christ's excuse for shooting abortion doctors or bombing clinics.

If some new religion emerged: The Bibliophiles... The Old Testament Goddites... Yes, I'm sure plenty of rough stuff could be found in there--but no Christian, following the teachings and/ or example of Christ can find any support for violence that I have ever seen. Plenty of crap has been perpetrated by people calling themselves Christians--but they find no succor in Christ's teachings. Not so with teachings of Mohammad.

I haven't "fallen back" on a claim that I want to open this for discussion. I can't imagine why you would say such a thing. On the previous page, Setanta's last paragraph alluded to his opinion that this conversation shouldn't take place, in so many words. I don't mind anyone's disagreement with my opinion--but I do mind people trying to shut it down.

It isn't panic mongering to speak to the facts of what is going on in MANY madrasses--the books they use include violent ideas and instruction. This is a fact.

I wouldn't look at Muslim neighbors with disapproval--but I want to know what is being taught at ALL of the madrasses. I can't imagine I'm the only one.
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Sat 31 Jul, 2004 11:32 pm
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glad to be muslim
Sun 1 Aug, 2004 02:37 am
Foxfyre wrote:

Mohammed did not exactly write the Qu'ran perse but rather dictated it over a relatively short period of time late in his life. At least that is what I have been told. He is believed by Islam to be the last and greatest of the great prophets.

First Prophet Muhammad was illiterate like most of Arabs then. No way he could write Quran or even one sentence of it.
The short period you mention isn't short at all. It is more than 15 years. Quran did not come at once, but phrases and chapters then connected together.

Quran was never wrote down to papers (with the exceptions of few chapters and phrases ) while Prophet Muhammad was alive. It was written down to papers (the complete Quran) by one of the Sahaba (prophet friends) after they decided that this movement is essential for next generations. But you may wonder how they did it if Prophet Muhammad died?

Quran itself is a miracle, for many reasons it is the biggest miracle for Muslims and we believe in History.

No way Prophet Muhammad could write or invent it? No way. Quran contains what beyond human knowledge (at that time and now) it contains Scientific Facts (just proved recently), it contains Historical events, Future events, and many more.

If you are interested with "Islam and science" I can recommend this site.

Read it and check what Quran contents in many scientific issues and they have been proved by many PhD and Doctors like Dr. Keith Moore.

Back to our Subject, how the Quran was written down after the prophet died?

Many of you are not aware of that Quran can be copied all into Human Brains (how? This is a miracle it self) Chapter by Chapter, Phrase By Phrase, Word by Word with the accurate pronunciation (Arabic words can have different spelling but different pronunciations with different meanings)

Quran Contains 114 chapters / 6236 phrases

There are many (actually the number is in thousands / hundred if thousands) who copy the Quran (all of it) in their brains, many of them are young, I saw one of them, he is 5 years old only - and I saw Senegali kid, 7 years old. It can be memorized by non-Arabs also and those who don't speak Arabic (I'm talking about the Arabic version only, others languages do not include)

So what happened after the prophet died that Muslims involved in many wars and they were afraid that all the men who copied the Quran dies which could lead to the lost of it.

After a meeting between sahaba and the Imam then, Abu Baker, they decided to write it down and handled the task to one on well known Muslims then.

He didn't face troubles at all writing it down. He Job was to check all the people (who had Quran in their minds) before he writes any sentence. He wrote it down sentence by sentence. He listened to them separately (of course he was one of the people who had it in their minds) until he was done.

That book has a very famous event in our history, the third Imam of Muslims Othman Bin Affan, was killed while reading it. His blood remained on the book and that book is still available until nowadays (with the blood on it) at Istanbul Museum.

Allah promised in Quran that we would save Quran from Corruption and it was saved.

He is believed by Islam to be the last and greatest of the great prophets.

we have no doubt about it.
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glad to be muslim
Sun 1 Aug, 2004 02:39 am
Foxfyre wrote:

I don't think Glad thinks all Christians are out to get him either.


In many Arabic cities, Muslims and Christian lived for long time without any troubles between them (never had any troubles but i had friends). I don't look at any Christian as enemy , only those hold gun at my face.

Many do not know that in Quran it is mentioned what it means (you will find Christians the most friendly to Muslims)

It is true in most cases according to muslims. Smile
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Sun 1 Aug, 2004 07:38 am
I do agree with Sofia that the Christianity advocated by Christ is non violent though by example--witness the incident where he used a whip to drive the thieving money changers from the Temple--he left room for righteous indignation and action by Christians. New Testament teachings that idolatry/sin/heresy are unacceptable was used as righteous justification for the crusades that were nevertheless far more military exercises than religious ones.

The New Testament in no way explicity supports such activities as does passages in the Qu-ran however. (See the texts Sofia posted.)

Muslims of course must interpret the intent and meaning of their 'scripture' as much as Chrsitians must do so with their own.

Note to Glad: 15 years in the grand history of a people is a 'relatively short time' in my view. The Qu'ran was therefore written down in bits and pieces, by people working from memory, much as the Christian Bible was written.
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glad to be muslim
Sun 1 Aug, 2004 03:36 pm
sofia wrote:
The personal testimony of the distinguished freethinker, ex-Muslim, Dr. Ali Sina. This testimony was first published on his website:

excuse me , who is he?
How can you prove to me he was ex-Muslim. There are many groups that use the word Muslim for what they believes and they has nothing to do about Islam. One of them for example, Ismaili "Muslims". They believe that Muslims do not have to pray, fast, etc… and we do not consider them Muslims.
So can you give me information about this freethinker?
are talking about Ibn-Sina, who died ages ago?


“Talabe ilm ba’d az wossule ma’loom mazmoom”. The search of knowledge after gaining it is foolish

What this? Never heard such a thing in my life.


I suppose it was my acquaintance with the western humanistic values that made me more sensitive and whet my appetite for democracy, freethinking, human rights, equality, etc. It was then that when I read again Quran I came across injunctions that were not al par with my newfound humanistic values, I was distressed and felt very uncomfortable to read teachings like these.

what these words mean, Democracy, freethinking, human rights, equality?

Democracy: is to invade other countries. What dose democracy means to you.?
Freethinking: is it the same of gay marriage, or what is the free thinking real means to you? Or it is just anyone who tries to spoil the Image of Islam become a free thinker.
Human Rights: what is human rights, is it the same human rights in US , where Muslim can be thrown in Jail based on secret evidences, or it is the human rights of France and prophet of wearing Al-Hijab.
Equality: like we don't have equality. We had equality long time ago. Where Europe and US still under the racists Ideas of Blacks and others. We teach you the meaning of equality.


Q.3: 5
”But those who reject Faith after they accepted it, and then go on adding to their defiance of Faith,- never will their repentance be accepted; for they are those who have gone astray”.

where is this sentence? It is not Q3 : 5 ? where is it to be able to replay to you?
I don't copy all the Quran in my mind, and I can not figure the non Arabic translation without going back to the Quran.


Q.16: 106
”Any one who, after accepting faith in Allah, utters Unbelief,- except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in Faith - but such as open their breast to Unbelief, on them is Wrath from Allah, and theirs will be a dreadful Penalty.”

Yeah this is true but I don't see any problem with it honestly. If you are a believer, don't you think that disbelievers are going to hell? We do.


Sahih Bukhari Volume 6, Book 61, Number 577:

I heard the Prophet saying, "In the last days (of the world) there will appear young people with foolish thoughts and ideas. They will give good talks, but they will go out of Islam as an arrow goes out of its game, their faith will not exceed their throats. So, wherever you find them, kill them, for there will be a reward for their killers on the Day of Resurrection."

Actually they have appeared long time ago. They were called "Khawarj". But what did they believe in to deserve it.
They believed (which is totally wrong) that any Muslims do a big sin, he is out of Islam. For example, if a Muslim did the sin of Adultery, he remains a Muslim in Islam, but for them he was a disbeliever. From where they brought such and idea? They were danger to Islam. It is not a simple thing to say about Muslims a disbeliever in Islam. They would destroy our nation. It is not a free thinking if that what he means. If you want to start a new religion, do it, but you don't have the right to the change Islam based on what you believe in. If you don't be a Muslim, no one forces you but to come and change our religion is a big sin. Would you accept (as Christian) a pope saying that Jesus is not a son of god? Would you consider that a free thinking?


for the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' "

Well no one forces you to be A Muslim? It is the basic role of converting to Islam you can not go back and leave it. But that is not the full story here. Any Muslim leaves Islam is giving some time to think about it and to discuss it with the Muslims. If he insists on doing it, they he is going to be killed.
If you want to change from Islam, keep it for you. Don't go and spread it around. It could fool many uneducated people, like this Ali Sina trying to do using foolish things to fool people around. It is easy for "corrupter" to claim he is a Muslim and then say to public I have converted back, it is bad religion, it contains this and that, while his intention from beginning is to mess around.
It happens that many at the day of Ali clamed Islam just to spoil it Image with lies, these deserved to be killed.
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glad to be muslim
Sun 1 Aug, 2004 03:37 pm

Eight men of the tribe of 'Ukil came to the Prophet and then they found the climate of Medina unsuitable for them. So, they said, "O Allah's Apostle! Provide us with some milk." Allah's Apostle said, "I recommend that you sh ould join the herd of camels." So they went and drank the urine and the milk of the camels (as a medicine) till they became healthy and fat. Then they killed the shepherd and drove away the camels, and they became unbelievers after they were Muslims. When the Prophet was informed by a shouter for help, he sent some men in their pursuit, and before the sun rose high, they were brought, and he had their hands and feet cut off. Then he ordered for nails, which were heated and passed over their eyes, and they were left in the Harra (i.e. rocky land in Medina). They asked for water, and nobody provided them with water till they died.

Here people like this Ali Sina, tries to fool around. These people Killed the boy who was looking after the camels, stolen the milk and camels and run away. They were murders and that what was their intentions. Killing a Muslim is a big sin and killing a boy is a bigger.


And from Partial Translation

do not use partial translation ever, you could mess around a lot.


The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) Said: The blood of a Muslim man who ……..)

The following is very disturbing. I dare to say any man who read it and is not taken aback with disgust has a long way to go to become a human.

why it is very disturbing?

It says Muslim should be killed if
1- A man who committed fornication after marriage. Ok we are protecting the family and the society. He had no reason to commit it after marriage.. Can you tell me how many divorce cases per year in Europe and US and the whole world because of man betrayed his wife (or versa) how many children lost their fmaily after they broke up ? Looking at your communities make me say, I'm glad that there is such a role is Islam. It protected us from falling apart like the western communities. You can have sex with you wife, why to look for another and destroy your marriage, you life, the kids right of right growing with mother and father around?
Also many killing cases happened because of husband/wife betrayed.
This is the disgusting really, and you can not stop it.

2- one who goes forth to fight with Allah and His Apostle, what dose this mean? Muslim fighting against muslim??? Well I don't know what the problem here?

3- (or one who commits murder for which he is killed.) don't tell me you don't have death penalty for murders.??


Sunan Abu-Dawud Book 38, Number 4348

”Narrated Abdullah Ibn Abbas:
A blind man had a slave-mother who used to abuse the Prophet…..

Well don't tell me that if Muslim went to Roman Empire and started to insult Jesus, people would simile at his face.

Even if you insulted a king at that time, you would be killed.

That women has no right to insult the prophet, the prophet did nothing to her, why she was?
Anyway these are very rare events happened, but the writer did not mention that people at old Europe used to be killed for very ridicules "not fair" reasons. I would mention here the scientist who said that the earth isn't flat, what happened to him?

Please, no dual thinking.


Muhammad himself slept with Mariyah the maid slave of Hafsa his wife without marrying her.)

here we go, again, Muhammad married Mariyah and she was not salve of Hesfa his wife.?
Mayriah was sent by the King of Egypt (the Christian at that time) as a gift to Muhammad , read it again, christain used to send women as a gift Rolling Eyes Human rights.  then she became a Muslims and he married here.
Again Mr Ali is Messing around.


Imagine how many innocent women, were killed by their husbands during these 1400 years who escaped punishment accusing their murdered wives of blaspheming the prophet of God and this Hadith has made them get away with it.

There are only 2 or 3 cases no more.
You are talking like women lived in peace at old empires of Christian? How ironic, when women has no right and she was no more than a slave. She could not inherit and she was forced to have children from her own brother (the king) so the roots remains un changed. How ugly. Do I need to mention more about human rights at older ages?



I could no more accept that the punishment of someone who criticizes any religion must be death

do not use another word. Criticize is not the same as Insult.
And as I said before, if any insulted a roman king or the jesus he could be killed then. No doubt about it.


Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas:
The verse "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah ……

when muslism kills, he should kill with mercy. Not to corrupt the body, not to make any pain and enjoy it like what you do right now in several countries.
Not to kill children, not to kill women, not to kill oldies , not to kill people praying, not to damage church, not to cut trees, not to rape women, not to ……


I could not accept the fact that Muhammad slaughtered 900 Jews in one day, after he captured them in a raid that he started. I read the following story and I shivered.

War???? Dose that mean anything to you? It was a war and those Jews betrayed us and broke the peaceful agreement between us and them. The story proves that we don't kill youth or children and also women and oldies.
Anyway, this for Ali Sina, what are you aiming to?
Go back to history books and read what roman did and many people they have killed during their wars. Wait a minute, don't you can check recent history to see what your (Democracy Land, USA) did and still doing to the world. They nuked Japan and killed ****** in few seconds, that few seconds and not a whole day.
How ridicules you are and your words could fool only fool people.


Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah:
A thief was brought to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him). He said: Kill him. …..

ofcourse that many of you are not warae that here are different types of hadeeth.

There are "true" "weak" "added"
We only refer to "true hadeeth" and this hadeeth is very weak.
Alnesai (among famous hadeeth writers) this is very weak (unkown) hadeeth due the structure of alhadeeth and the man who narrated him. He was known of weak narrator by many Imams.

Shafei (one of greatest Imams): many parts in this hadeeth add obvousily added (specially the killing part) and it is weak hadeeth.

Freethinker or twisted-thinker, Ali Sina is?


Q.5: 51
“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as awliya’ (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but awliya’ to one another…”

I also found the above statement false. The evidence is in the Bosnia and Kosovo crisis; where Christian countries, waged war against another Christian country, to liberate Muslims. Many Jewish doctors volunteered to help the Kosovar refugees, despite the fact that during the WWII, the same Albanian Muslims took side with Hitler and helped him in his holocaust against the Jews

Evidence??? You must be funny. Instead of searching for evidence that proofs Muhammad was not a prophet ( there are none) search of evidences that proofs he was (there are many)

I tell you what happened in Bosnia. Huge massacres by Serbs (the Christians) against unarmed Muslims and killing thousands of them. Muslims of Bosnia begging Europe, UN to stop it while they were watching it. They watched how Serbs surrounded serbinitia were all could die (they managed to escape by the will of Allah) and no one moved to save them. What happened that the Muslim of Bosnia and well as the muslims of the world knew that Christians are not going to save them? They decided to hold the gun and fight. Many Arab fighters joined them and they started to make amazing victories. Europe, US and United nation got scared from what were happening, and then they decided to interfere to save CHRIASTINS not to save Muslims.


It became obvious to me that Muslims are accepted by all the people of the world yet our prophet wants us to hate them, to disassociate ourselves from them, to force them into our way of life or kill them, subdue them and make them pay Jizya. How silly! How pathetic! How inhumane! No wonder there is so much inexplicable hate of the West and of the Jews among Muslims. It was Muhammad who inseminated the hate and the distrust of the non-believers among his followers. How Muslims can ever integrate with other nations while holding these hateful massages of Quran as the words of God?

How pathetic your words are, how silly and how low information you have do I have to replay this , I just I can not believe how hate you have for us people. Using (abuse him) for the prophet tells the level of hate you hold fro the greastet person ever. Muhammad sala alla aliah was salam.

I will stop now, this contains lots of Ugly-twisted materials against Islam.
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Sun 1 Aug, 2004 04:08 pm

It worries me that you think insulting someone's god is a good reason to kill them.

People HERE insult God and Jesus on a regular basis, and even though it may really bother some people, no one claims the right to kill them. We agree they have the right to speak their views. Islam doesn't allow this--and that aspect of Islam is dangerous and cultish, IMO.

The Democracy I believe in, and the equality gives women equal rights to men. Islam oppresses women. This is wrong. No one learns anything about equality from Islam.

I wish you would click on the link I provided on the previous page, and read some of the life experiences of former Muslims. You shouldn't have to be afraid just to read it. No one can force you to change religious belief--but you should at least feel free to read others' opinions.

All of the men, whose stories I read agreed that they are not against Muslims--they are against the parts of the teaching that compels people to kill other people, and oppress women, Jews and Christians.

The American wars you remind me of were not based on trying to further our religion, or oppress people into devotion to God. Fatwas are invoked against people simply because they don't believe in Islam anymore. Doesn't Salman Rushdie have the right to believe as his conscious guides him? Don't you have that same right?

How many Islamic women and young girls have been beaten or murdered because of being raped (honor killings), or simply not covering enough of their bodies? No religion should approve of such atrocities.

Do you approve of them?

(I want you to know other religions are similarly questioned here, and I hope you do not feel attacked. I don't consider this conversation a personal attack against you, just as I don't consider attacks against my religion as personal attacks against me.)
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glad to be muslim
Sun 1 Aug, 2004 05:36 pm

It worries me that you think insulting someone's god is a good reason to kill them.
no .. no …not someone, a Muslim\Christian\others can insult me day and night but I can not kill him\them. But insulting a prophet isn't the same. This applies for all of them not just Muhammad. Insulting Muhammed is also insulting the religion. Very simple as that. That women was insulting Islam.


People HERE insult God and Jesus on a regular basis, and even though it may really bother some people, no one claims the right to kill them. We agree they have the right to speak their views. Islam doesn't allow this--and that aspect of Islam is dangerous and cultish, IMO.

Why any would insult God? I'm schocked. If you don't believe in him why to insult him. Insulting Jesus is a big sin for as as well as Muhammad.

Views about What? I told you if any wants to start a new religion then we would accept his opnion and view but no one can come and change my religion based on his view. That dose not go in Islam, otherwise we could end with million different quran.

No one is allowed to change our religion using the names of freethinking and freedom and the right of opinions. You can do in other aspect of life but not Islam.

The Democracy I believe in, and the equality gives women equal rights to men. Islam oppresses women. This is wrong. No one learns anything about equality from Islam

I don't believe in democracy, and I don't see it. Islam gives women total rights. Give me one example how Islam oppresses women? I hope you are not talking about Hijab? Hijab protects women.

They way I look at the western women mainly as "a tool to please men". Get ***** and then dumped, striptease, etc…

I see our women in heaven comparing to western. We have rare cases of rape, rare cases against women in general.

I wish you would click on the link I provided on the previous page, and read some of the life experiences of former Muslims.

I know what they say, just fooling around, people like Ali Sina Who?

But why don't you click on the link I provided (Islam and science) and read some of the miracles that proofs prophet didn't write it (this we don't have doubt about it).

Why I don't give you real Islamic sites instead of those calling themselves ex-muslims?


The American wars you remind me of were not based on trying to further our religion, or oppress people into devotion to God. Fatwas are invoked against people simply because they don't believe in Islam anymore. Doesn't Salman Rushdie have the right to believe as his conscious guides him? Don't you have that same right?

no we come to salman roshde…. Rolling Eyes

I told you if he believes in something, he keeps it for himself if that related to Islam. If he wants to start a new thing, go ahead but not telling lies through his book about Islam.


How many Islamic women and young girls have been beaten or murdered because of being raped (honor killings), or simply not covering enough of their bodies? No religion should approve of such atrocities.

Ohhhhh my Lord, Ohhhh my god,, ohhhhhh my god…I don't believe what I'm reading? We killed women (honer killing) where that happen.?

And if any one dose such a thing, then HELL IS WAITING FOR HIM in the principle of Islam.

but few do it (specially in the areas of north Pakistan, Most of them are drug dealers) they claim to be Muslims and they know nothing about it. They do it for the name of traditional and honor not in the name of Islam.

Oh may god. Shocked
0 Replies
Sun 1 Aug, 2004 09:12 pm
Sofia wrote:
OK nimh--

Maybe you're right. Find me one reference where Christ advocates violence against those of other religions--or ANYBODY for that matter and I'll never bring up this subject again.

Well, as I said I know little about the Bible myself ... and trying to find back the stuff I'd seen earlier on A2K, I didnt get much further than an entertaining, but not immediately relevant thread on "Weird stories from the Bible: Sex, murder, betrayal". I'd have to ask Craven, but he's too busy to read PMs.

So instead - I opened up a new thread on the very question. Should be interesting.
0 Replies
Sun 1 Aug, 2004 09:35 pm
Sofia wrote:
I haven't "fallen back" on a claim that I want to open this for discussion. I can't imagine why you would say such a thing. [..]

It isn't panic mongering to speak to the facts of what is going on in MANY madrasses--the books they use include violent ideas and instruction. This is a fact.

The fall-back I referenced was that from a silly, sweeping generalisation in your first post, where you implied that "the rite of passage" in Islam is "shipping off to a madrass, or a 'camp' where hate, kidnapping lessons and gun use is part of the program".

When you were rebuked for trying to smear an entire religion with the practices of its most extreme fanatics, you claimed that all you'd done was "open to discussion" the argument that there is "an inexcusable thick cord of oppressive sexism [..] and an excuse for --or even call to-- violence" in this religion.

That strikes me like saying, for example, when talking of Black Americans, that "it bears a good look" when "the rite of passage for any cultural group is venturing into gang violence and drive-by shootings" - and when rebuked, saying that hey, all you'd wanted was "open up for discussion" the "inexcusable cord of oppressive sexism and glorification of violence" in young African American, urban culture.

One can still disagree with the second assertion on both counts, but even if it were true, it wouldnt justify the kind of blanket generalisation of the first. Ie, the current numbers of Wahhabite madrasses in Pakistan or Saudi-Arabia do not encompass anything like a "rite of passage" in Islam, overall.

Extremism is always dangerous, and we should be wary of extremist Islamism now, especially. But tarring an entire religion or culture with the extremism of its most radical factions is not only facile, but also highly contraproductive - assuming at least that the isolation of extremists is a necessary short-term goal.

Making an entire people or religion out to be like its most extremist currents is hardly the way to open up the discussion about those currents.
0 Replies
Mon 2 Aug, 2004 08:30 pm
OK, I misspoke about the 'programs' being the same in all madrasses. You must be aware that I don't think ALL madrasses have the same program...

But, if they are all taught from the hadiths that are prescribed for teaching-- My comment stands that they (ALL madrasses) teach hatred.

If the KKK and neo-nazi groups are closed down for teaching hatred, the madrasses should be as well. This religion foments and supports murder and hate. I say this after reading several hadiths and excerpts from the books they use to teach young boys in madrasses; and reading life experiences from former Muslims, who were taught this--and some who acted upon it. Their 'salvation' is tied to these acts of violence.

I am aware that some Muslims reject the passages I refer to--but the problem is that the passages are there--and condoned by MANY Islamic teachers, who are regarded as religious leaders.

I don't think singling out the extremists will answer the problem of Islamic terrorism. I think the violent tenets of Islam must be openly assaulted, and rebuked by the entire world. These murderous passages should be held up for public consumption, and the Islamic world must be held to answer for the writings, or at least their interpretation and teaching of them. I've seen many chilling documentaries full of these passages--and I don't know why we continue to sit around blabbing that Islam is peaceful.

Muslim people can be separated from the assault on the violent tenets they are taught--But, I strongly believe people of conscience and peace should know what is in the Koran, the hadiths and what these people are being brainwashed with. Islamic leaders should be questioned about these things. With all that Islamic extremists are perpetrating on this world--brushing it off with a banal statement doesn't cut it, IMO.

There are many peaceful Muslims, but Islam is NOT a peaceful religion. Muslims may be peaceful IN SPITE OF THEIR RELIGION, IMO.
Glad to be a muslim--

Thank you for your input. I've learned a lot from you. What does the hijab protect women from?

Did you go to a madrass? If so, in what country was it located?

I will bring information about honor killings and women's roles in Islam, which make me say women are oppressed in Islamic culture.

Considering our different opinions about a subject so close to you, I commend you for your courtesy.
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glad to be muslim
Tue 3 Aug, 2004 07:11 am

Thank you for your input. I've learned a lot from you. What does the hijab protect women from?

Ok imagine this, a women wearing Hijab and a women wearing sexy stuff. For which women my men hormones would jump high?

Never heard of any "Hijab women" raped ever because, simply, men hormones toward here are regular. It protects here a lot, that was a simple example.
you can't feel it until you wear it.

You may tell me that not all women wearing sexy stuff get raped, but they all bringing their beauty out in the street whether that is a cloth, makeup, or body shape or whatever.


Did you go to a madrass? If so, in what country was it located?

Please do not follow your media (and specially CNN) of things they tell about Islam.

What is madrass is? Madrasa means in Arabic a school, a regular school and I went to regular schools like all others including high school of course and then learned computer science after it.

How silly the word madrasaa when it is referred to as "religion school".
I have never been to religion school because simply, you don't need it to learn the religion.


I will bring information about honor killings and women's roles in Islam, which make me say women are oppressed in Islamic culture.

Do not claim that you know better than me. Look what you have written,.( Islamic Culture)
Islam is one thing and culture is another thing. Islam is not tied to any culture, Islam is only a religion and I told you it happens based on culture not Islam in areas where culture is more important that Islam, like north Pakistan.

Can I refer to what happened by sick Christian to all Christians around the world.?
There is NO Honor killing in ISLAM (please do not make things complicated)

Amazing thing, I made a research about women in bible and in the west. I was surprised by the facts I got.


According to "The Almanac Book of Facts", the population increased 137% within the past decade, Christianity increased 46%, while Islam increased 235%.
In a recent poll in the (US), 100,000 people per year in America alone, are converting to Islam. For every 1 male convert to Islam, 4 females convert to Islam, Why?

The research tries to answer that question and actually they provide good examples.
I will try minimize the reasons and maybe I will post them in other threads so that every women can read.


Considering our different opinions about a subject so close to you, I commend you for your courtesy.

what do you want me to do? Smiling at person face that brings lies about my religion, like Ali Sina dose?
Believe me, i'm not mad at you or any other here , I 'm mad with those people media soreading lies about Islam .
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Rick d Israeli
Sat 7 Aug, 2004 01:13 am
I get the feeling certain people hear are judging whole religions, societies, etc. on the minority of negative issues issued by the global media like they are common among these institutions.
0 Replies
Sat 7 Aug, 2004 09:08 pm
I think I am that certain person--and yes, there is a bit of truth to your assumption.

I have become increasingly wary of the Islamic faith.

From what I have read, there are TOO MANY calls to murder, and excuses for murder in the basic tenets of this religion.

So, to clarify, I am not anti-Islamic PEOPLE, but I am anti-Islamic religion--specifically because of the tenets found and taught in the Koran and the Hadiths.

The anti-non-Muslim tenets are there for all to read--the determining factor for each Muslim is whether or not they follow the tenets. In my mind, the religion is dangerous, and should be openly refuted, citing the passages that incite and/ or excuse murder.

You can find good reasons for my opinion in the writings of Glad to be Muslim...

How can one decry the oppression of women--and allow sentiments such as he expressed to go unchallenged? Oppression of women IS common among Muslims. Belief in superiority over Christians and Jews--and the right to kill them is a basic belief in Islam. How do you reconcile this with YOUR beliefs? How is this different that KKK or skinhead affiliation?
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