Eight men of the tribe of 'Ukil came to the Prophet and then they found the climate of Medina unsuitable for them. So, they said, "O Allah's Apostle! Provide us with some milk." Allah's Apostle said, "I recommend that you sh ould join the herd of camels." So they went and drank the urine and the milk of the camels (as a medicine) till they became healthy and fat. Then they killed the shepherd and drove away the camels, and they became unbelievers after they were Muslims. When the Prophet was informed by a shouter for help, he sent some men in their pursuit, and before the sun rose high, they were brought, and he had their hands and feet cut off. Then he ordered for nails, which were heated and passed over their eyes, and they were left in the Harra (i.e. rocky land in Medina). They asked for water, and nobody provided them with water till they died.
Here people like this Ali Sina, tries to fool around. These people Killed the boy who was looking after the camels, stolen the milk and camels and run away. They were murders and that what was their intentions. Killing a Muslim is a big sin and killing a boy is a bigger.
And from Partial Translation
do not use partial translation ever, you could mess around a lot.
The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) Said: The blood of a Muslim man who ……..)
The following is very disturbing. I dare to say any man who read it and is not taken aback with disgust has a long way to go to become a human.
why it is very disturbing?
It says Muslim should be killed if
1- A man who committed fornication after marriage. Ok we are protecting the family and the society. He had no reason to commit it after marriage.. Can you tell me how many divorce cases per year in Europe and US and the whole world because of man betrayed his wife (or versa) how many children lost their fmaily after they broke up ? Looking at your communities make me say, I'm glad that there is such a role is Islam. It protected us from falling apart like the western communities. You can have sex with you wife, why to look for another and destroy your marriage, you life, the kids right of right growing with mother and father around?
Also many killing cases happened because of husband/wife betrayed.
This is the disgusting really, and you can not stop it.
2- one who goes forth to fight with Allah and His Apostle, what dose this mean? Muslim fighting against muslim??? Well I don't know what the problem here?
3- (or one who commits murder for which he is killed.) don't tell me you don't have death penalty for murders.??
Sunan Abu-Dawud Book 38, Number 4348
”Narrated Abdullah Ibn Abbas:
A blind man had a slave-mother who used to abuse the Prophet…..
Well don't tell me that if Muslim went to Roman Empire and started to insult Jesus, people would simile at his face.
Even if you insulted a king at that time, you would be killed.
That women has no right to insult the prophet, the prophet did nothing to her, why she was?
Anyway these are very rare events happened, but the writer did not mention that people at old Europe used to be killed for very ridicules "not fair" reasons. I would mention here the scientist who said that the earth isn't flat, what happened to him?
Please, no dual thinking.
Muhammad himself slept with Mariyah the maid slave of Hafsa his wife without marrying her.)
here we go, again, Muhammad married Mariyah and she was not salve of Hesfa his wife.?
Mayriah was sent by the King of Egypt (the Christian at that time) as a gift to Muhammad , read it again, christain used to send women as a gift

Human rights. then she became a Muslims and he married here.
Again Mr Ali is Messing around.
Imagine how many innocent women, were killed by their husbands during these 1400 years who escaped punishment accusing their murdered wives of blaspheming the prophet of God and this Hadith has made them get away with it.
There are only 2 or 3 cases no more.
You are talking like women lived in peace at old empires of Christian? How ironic, when women has no right and she was no more than a slave. She could not inherit and she was forced to have children from her own brother (the king) so the roots remains un changed. How ugly. Do I need to mention more about human rights at older ages?
I could no more accept that the punishment of someone who criticizes any religion must be death
do not use another word. Criticize is not the same as Insult.
And as I said before, if any insulted a roman king or the jesus he could be killed then. No doubt about it.
Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas:
The verse "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah ……
when muslism kills, he should kill with mercy. Not to corrupt the body, not to make any pain and enjoy it like what you do right now in several countries.
Not to kill children, not to kill women, not to kill oldies , not to kill people praying, not to damage church, not to cut trees, not to rape women, not to ……
I could not accept the fact that Muhammad slaughtered 900 Jews in one day, after he captured them in a raid that he started. I read the following story and I shivered.
War???? Dose that mean anything to you? It was a war and those Jews betrayed us and broke the peaceful agreement between us and them. The story proves that we don't kill youth or children and also women and oldies.
Anyway, this for Ali Sina, what are you aiming to?
Go back to history books and read what roman did and many people they have killed during their wars. Wait a minute, don't you can check recent history to see what your (Democracy Land, USA) did and still doing to the world. They nuked Japan and killed ****** in few seconds, that few seconds and not a whole day.
How ridicules you are and your words could fool only fool people.
Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah:
A thief was brought to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him). He said: Kill him. …..
ofcourse that many of you are not warae that here are different types of hadeeth.
There are "true" "weak" "added"
We only refer to "true hadeeth" and this hadeeth is very weak.
Alnesai (among famous hadeeth writers) this is very weak (unkown) hadeeth due the structure of alhadeeth and the man who narrated him. He was known of weak narrator by many Imams.
Shafei (one of greatest Imams): many parts in this hadeeth add obvousily added (specially the killing part) and it is weak hadeeth.
Freethinker or twisted-thinker, Ali Sina is?
Q.5: 51
“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as awliya’ (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but awliya’ to one another…”
I also found the above statement false. The evidence is in the Bosnia and Kosovo crisis; where Christian countries, waged war against another Christian country, to liberate Muslims. Many Jewish doctors volunteered to help the Kosovar refugees, despite the fact that during the WWII, the same Albanian Muslims took side with Hitler and helped him in his holocaust against the Jews
Evidence??? You must be funny. Instead of searching for evidence that proofs Muhammad was not a prophet ( there are none) search of evidences that proofs he was (there are many)
I tell you what happened in Bosnia. Huge massacres by Serbs (the Christians) against unarmed Muslims and killing thousands of them. Muslims of Bosnia begging Europe, UN to stop it while they were watching it. They watched how Serbs surrounded serbinitia were all could die (they managed to escape by the will of Allah) and no one moved to save them. What happened that the Muslim of Bosnia and well as the muslims of the world knew that Christians are not going to save them? They decided to hold the gun and fight. Many Arab fighters joined them and they started to make amazing victories. Europe, US and United nation got scared from what were happening, and then they decided to interfere to save CHRIASTINS not to save Muslims.
It became obvious to me that Muslims are accepted by all the people of the world yet our prophet wants us to hate them, to disassociate ourselves from them, to force them into our way of life or kill them, subdue them and make them pay Jizya. How silly! How pathetic! How inhumane! No wonder there is so much inexplicable hate of the West and of the Jews among Muslims. It was Muhammad who inseminated the hate and the distrust of the non-believers among his followers. How Muslims can ever integrate with other nations while holding these hateful massages of Quran as the words of God?
How pathetic your words are, how silly and how low information you have do I have to replay this , I just I can not believe how hate you have for us people. Using (abuse him) for the prophet tells the level of hate you hold fro the greastet person ever. Muhammad sala alla aliah was salam.
I will stop now, this contains lots of Ugly-twisted materials against Islam.