If you have a look back through your history, you'll find most of your posts have been thumbs downed - including:
- stats from wikipedia / other well known, impartial sites; or
- links to current events examples of violence in the name of Islam
- links to major newspaper articles
..even if none of these contain an opinion of your own...
People who thumb down such, aren't interested in stats, nor articles on violence in the name of Islam - they are just focused on their own hate of particular posters...while they in their mind, denounce 'hate', and intolerance...a contradiction so hypocritical that it says much more of the down thumbers than anyone else.
Making it even more hypocritical (from the point of view that they believe they are taking a stand against intolerance..while thumbing down links to stats etc) is that that they are defending an intolerant religion (other people are second class citizens in Islamic Nations, intolerant of womens rights, intolerant of criticism of their prophet, intolerant of gays, intolerant of polytheists, etc).
To me, it doesn't seem worthwhile to bother asking such hypocrites why they bother thumbing down the above examples (in red)