Are there any peaceful muslim nations?

Mon 27 Oct, 2014 08:52 pm
Here are 532 verses that show the hate taught for the non-Muslim and a healthy dose of eternal punishment for all non-Muslims.


1.Don't bother warning the disbelievers. Allah has made it impossible for them to believe so that he can torture them forever after they die. 2:6-7...............

.........532. Abu Lahab will die and be plunged in flaming Fire. His wife will have on her neck a halter of palm fiber. 111:1-5

Tue 28 Oct, 2014 02:45 am
For full story http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/world/inside-sharia-law-sbs-reporter-patrick-abboud-reveals-life-under-the-morality-police-in-aceh/story-fnihsmjt-1227104751492
SBS reporter Patrick Abboud reveals life under the morality police in Aceh

Abboud was invited along to Captain Ibrahim Latif’s street raids, where women are pulled over at a checkpoint and interrogated about their clothing...

Those who were found to be in breach of the strict code are given three warnings, but repeat offenders didn’t get off so lightly and are subjected to a public caning....

“The usual punishment for adultery or sex between a man and a woman who are both married is that they are buried in the ground on the road,” Captain Latif told Abboud in a one-on-one interview....

“The man is buried up to his waist at a cross roads and whoever passes by has to throw a stone at him until he dies.

“A married woman would be buried to the neck and be stoned until she dies”

Sharia law has been implemented in Aceh since 2001, when the province gained some autonomy after striking a deal with the federal government in a bid to reduce tension with rebels....

“Additionally, the Aceh parliament in September 2014 passed the Aceh Islamic Criminal Code, a bylaw which criminalises a range of acts — including same-sex sexual activity, sex outside marriage and “being alone with someone of the opposite sex who is not a marriage partner or relative” (khalwat)” Ms Freelander said.

“Those found guilty could face caning, imprisonment or fines imposed by Islamic courts.”
Tue 28 Oct, 2014 06:31 am
Yes, the muslim brotherhood is a violent group at times. But that is not caused by religion otherwise all of Egypt would be the same as the muslim brotherhood since all of Egypt is muslim.
Tue 28 Oct, 2014 06:46 am
Here is the problem with your argument Vikkor.

You are arguing that Muslim groups are violent ergo being Muslim causes groups to be violent. That is a logical fallacy.

You also agree that some Muslim groups are more peaceful when you point out Egypt and the Muslim brotherhood which by your earlier logic would lead us to conclude being Muslim causes groups to be more peaceful. (The majority of Egyptian Muslims are more peaceful than the Muslim Brotherhood.)

Since those 2 conclusions are contradictory there is a problem with the logic you are using. This is some pretty simple stuff. Your logic is faulty and you refuse to see it.
Tue 28 Oct, 2014 06:55 am
Once again, we are left with your silly argument.

Aceh is only one province of Indonesia. It is the only province that practices Sharia law. Aceh province is 2% of the Indonesian population. So we are left your argument that Islam is a terrible religion because 2% are under Sharia law but one could easily argue Islam isn't a terrible religion because 98% are not under Sharia law.

I doubt you would accept that the Jim Jones and David Koresh prove Christianity is a horrible religion. Yet you feel you can make the same misplaced argument when it comes to other religions.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Oct, 2014 08:52 am
Haha. I have no words Smile This thread has now 666 replies. How mysterious and devil number. That says it all.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Oct, 2014 09:44 am
Since those 2 conclusions are contradictory there is a problem with the logic you are using. This is some pretty simple stuff. Your logic is faulty and you refuse to see it.

Here is what you refuse to see.

Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace
"Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29

2014.10.27 (Kunduz, Afghanistan) - A suicide bomber and three Taliban gunmen storm a courthouse and murder ten others.
2014.10.27 (Jurf al-Sakhar, Iraq) - A Sunni suicide bomber targets a crowd of Shiites and snuffs out over two dozen lives.
2014.10.26 (al-Manassah, Yemen) - Twenty are left dead after an al-Qaeda suicide car bomber plows into a group of Shia.
2014.10.26 (Raqqa, Syria) - Three men are beheaded for 'cursing Allah'.
2014.10.25 (Anbar, Iraq) - Three children at a playground are pulled into pieces by an Islamic State mortar round.
2014.10.24 (al-Ameriya, Iraq) - A dozen people lose their lives to various injuries suffered during an ISIS mortar attack.

* Sources for individual incidents can be provided upon request.


Tue 28 Oct, 2014 11:53 am
Al Qaeda and the Taliban are terrorist organizations just like the NRA is a terrorist organization. One expects them to commit terrorist acts.

Meanwhile back in the good ole USA.
Muslims only carried out 2.5% of terror attacks in US from 1970 to 2012
cicerone imposter
Tue 28 Oct, 2014 12:00 pm
icebrain doesn't understand materiality and reality. He fears Muslims and ebola, but doesn't fear all the white mass murders.

Race Matters: Study Claims White Men Are More Likely To Commit Mass Murders Than Blacks Or Any Other Racial Group - See more at: http://bossip.com/698648/race-matters-study-claims-white-men-are-more-likely-to-commit-mass-murders-than-blacks-or-any-other-racial-group/#sthash.KUdsrfH9.dpuf
Tue 28 Oct, 2014 12:35 pm
@cicerone imposter,
icebrain doesn't understand materiality and reality.

Again can you get any dumber? Race has 0 to do with the belief or the teachings of Islam.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Oct, 2014 02:28 pm
You are arguing that Muslim groups are violent...
You are now engaging in out and out deception, because the broad based 'violence', is much 1000 times greyer (re Islam being a contributing factor) than 'violence in the name of Islam' - which is the position I've taken every single time (at least 40 times now). I even corrected myself on the one time I left 'in the name of Islam' out.

...causes groups to be violent.
poppycock. I'm not saying that at all, and you know it. Further purposeful deception - I've said numerous times 'Islam contributes to violence in it's name'. I can link any number of my post (that you've replied to) basically stating:

- first look at the evidence of violence in the name of Islam, then
- see whether or not Islam contributes to that violence.

What we've seen develop over the 6 or so pages you've posted is you as a poster who:
- won't educate him/herself on the topic (no evidence so far)
- won't discuss evidence of violence in the religions name raised by others
- won't discuss islamic texts supporting violence in the religions name
- won't discuss the founders violence, the texts he wrote to support it, and whether or not that contributes to, or matches todays violence in Islam's name
- while refusing to discuss the above, resorts to logic so flawed that a child could see through it
- deceptively misrepresents other posters arguments

Before I was saying you are only close minded. Now that I've called you out numerous times on how closed minded you are - it appears that your 'logic' has become nonsensical, and you have resorted to engaging in deceipt (purposeful misrepresentation of my position).

As I mentioned earlier...why is it that I should keep engaging such a close minded, and now deceitful person?
Tue 28 Oct, 2014 02:41 pm
As I mentioned earlier...why is it that I should keep engaging such a close minded, and now deceitful person?

His argument has completely ignored the reality of the situation. He is basing everything on Islams in- actions. We should not be in the position of waiting for them to act. Have we stopped fighting for the way live?

It appears parados has.
Tue 28 Oct, 2014 02:41 pm
@cicerone imposter,
icebrain doesn't understand materiality and reality. He fears Muslims and ebola, but doesn't fear all the white mass murders.

- religion is a choice
- being born white is not.

It is not a comparison you should be using....for the same reason you haven't used 'black mass murderers' in the comparison.
Tue 28 Oct, 2014 04:45 pm

- first look at the evidence of violence in the name of Islam, then
- see whether or not Islam contributes to that violence.

Yes groups claim they do violence in the name of Islam.

But you have no objective standard as to whether Islam contributes to that violence.
Let me put it another way. Look at groups that do good in the name of Islam then see whether Islam contributes to that good. Are you willing to accept that under your logic we have to accept that Islam contributes to good?

What we have seen over the last 6 pages is you refusing to discuss an objective standard. Your ipse dixit is not evidence of anything.

What we've seen develop over the 6 or so pages you've posted is you as a poster who:
- won't educate him/herself on the topic (no evidence so far)
- won't discuss evidence of violence in the religions name raised by others
- won't discuss islamic texts supporting violence in the religions name
- won't discuss the founders violence, the texts he wrote to support it, and whether or not that contributes to, or matches todays violence in Islam's name
- while refusing to discuss the above, resorts to logic so flawed that a child could see through it
- deceptively misrepresents other posters arguments

1. I am the only one that has presented any metadata about the percentages of Muslims that are violent.
2. What evidence? Simply because you claim something doesn't make it so. Ipse dixit isn't an argument.
3. Cherry picking verses is no better than someone cherry picking verses that call for good treatment of non muslims. Refusing to discuss your logical fallacy is not an issue for me. Why should I subject myself to your that logical fallacy?
4. More cherry picking.
5. OK. Please point to the specific logical fallacy I have made.
6. Thanks for the laugh.
Tue 28 Oct, 2014 04:54 pm
Well, the actual issue is that this sort of behaviour is entirely expected...you see it in to a greater degree in:
- fanatics; and/or
- brainwashed people; and/or (when it's all boiled down)
- people who's 'views' mean a great deal to them emotionally.

You also see it to a lesser degree in every day interactions, from most every person alive. Both you and I suffer the same problem to varying degrees.

You see, the human mind looks for things to support it's views , and filters things that don't support it's views. This is so it (the brain) can act decisively - a genetic trait necessary to survival in caveman days.

In terms of where the emotional attachment comes from, this is my guess:

Multiculturalism taught that individuals should be judged on their merit, not their race (ie. the principle of: there are differences among people, so they should be judged on their individual merit) - a good thing. Then, in order to further promote harmony, said 'good people do not judge other people on their religion' (which is a fair ask, as in reality, it is their actions/heart that determine their worth/respectability etc)...but that concept then extended to 'good people do not judge other religions'...which is incorrect by the first principle (where differences exist, each thing should be judged on it's own merits)...so this concept (of not judging other religions - on their own merit) has a LOT of emotional meaning to people.

That seems to me to be the cause of such evasive behaviour.
cicerone imposter
Tue 28 Oct, 2014 04:57 pm
Are you as stupid as icebrain? Studies have shown that the number of white mass murders are much greater than blacks or other minorities.

For most, religion is not a choice. Most follow the religion of their parents and/or culture. You just continue to prove your ignorance. Do you know why most in Italy are Roman Catholics? How about South America?

How about the Middle East? In most Central Asian countries, over 85% are Muslims. Over 94% of the population in Indonesia are Muslims. Do you understand why?

Make a guess - if that's possible. Your brain might already be calcified with bigotry, and nothing else will penetrate.

Tue 28 Oct, 2014 05:07 pm
You see, the human mind looks for things to support it's views , and filters things that don't support it's views. This is so it (the brain) can act decisively - a genetic trait necessary to survival in caveman days.

Which is why you need to work harder to have an objective standard. Statistics of how many Muslims are violent vs non violent show your argument to be the one that is not supported by objective facts.
Tue 28 Oct, 2014 05:12 pm
What we have seen over the last 6 pages is you refusing to discuss an objective standard. Your ipse dixit is not evidence of anything.
Rolling Eyes
Absolutely I haven't, and won't - because it relates my perception of danger, which is subject to:
- what I find dangerous to me
- what I find dangerous to other people
- what causes me to become cautious, and to what degree
Other people will have different reactions to such questions/situations/judgements...and there is no true right or wrong between two peoples informed, but different reactions. Ie. it's a subjective opinion.

Hence why I am happy for your to have your own opinion - were you to educate yourself (which you refuse to do), and have an open mind (which you don't, as you refuse to discuss evidence of violence in the name of Islam)

In other words - what you are asking is subjective...so your nonsense about it must be objective is just that - nonsense. Make your own mind up, from an open mind, and with knowledge

1. I am the only one that has presented any metadata about the percentages of Muslims that are violent.
Err...you're talking generic violence, which isn't at point here...but rather, violence in the name of Islam...which you refuse to acknowledge or discuss.

Evasive deceit.

And it's nice of you to claim cherry picking when:
- the versus are numerous, applicable today, and very direct on exhorting violence in Islams name; and
- Islamic violence can be seen to match those versus...over, and over again.

But of course, as you ignore the violence in Islams name...you don't have to look at whether the second matches

Evasive tactics.
cicerone imposter
Tue 28 Oct, 2014 05:14 pm
Not only that, but his posts are full of personal opinions that identifies him as a bigot of the worst kind. He has no sense to do a web search to seek the truth when it's so abundant if he even bothers to look.

A closed mind like his is useless; he seeks only like-minded opinions without any basis in fact or history.

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Tue 28 Oct, 2014 05:17 pm
If DANGER is your concern, you have more to worry about white mass murders in this country. However, I'm also guessing you don't understand or comprehend simple math. Also, statistically, you're more apt to get killed driving your own car close to home.

Do you also worry about lightening striking you dead? LOL

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