Obama caught the voter flack for not fully closing off the 2008 recession. Its been 6 years so, I guess, he has to take it.
The GOP is still kind of floundering around without a rudder.
Are you gonna be more Conservative? or less. Will you make a bigger tent? or will you put up wooden sides on the present one .
You've got 2 years till 2016. I see already the Teabaggers and the RINOS are pissing on each others legs.
In Delaware we have what called "Return Day" where all the political candidtes hd, in the past, paraded together two days after the election, to show the citiens that, no matter what, they (the citizens) were what these battles were all for.
I see this year that return day in sleepy, lower slower Delaware has turned as ugly as any Teabagger/RINO luncheon.
Youre back, for now. I hope, as many pundits seem to hypothesize, that the Dems and GOP WILL govern with the electorate in mind rather than their own party purity. It will become a lameduck Interregnum that hasn't shown us as much lawmaking since the years when t Nixon created all those environmental agencies and laws that the GOP now preaches against.