I don't
I have a number of companies that I am examining how their stock price reacts to certain announcements. I have a range of stock prices for each company for a number of days pre-and post-announcement, centring on the announcement.
For each company, I take the mean of all of the stock prices on all pre-and post-announcement days (inc the day of the announcement).
For announcement type A I have 138 companies; 220 for companies for announcement type B. Now taking only announcement type A, I find the mean is positive and significant. For announcement type B, I find stock price reaction is not significant. Therefore, I can say that there is a stock market reaction to announcement type A, but not for type B.
I then want to test if the difference between announcement type A and type B are significantly different. I do this using the excel tool.
The results indicate that the difference is no significant.
Does this make clear the approach I am taking?
Apologies I'm not hitting the nail on the head!