Mon 31 May, 2004 11:39 am
Would like some opinions on what kind of president you think Richard Nixon was from those old enough to remember his presidency.
Seems like he did some good things like getting our troops out of Vietnam, and then other times seemed like a paranoid schitzophrenic being involved in the Watergate break-in.
All opinions welcome.
I think he did have some moderate mental quirk.
He was driven, and oddly religious--meaning he chose his moral application rather oddly.
I think he tried to be a great President--and had insight and vision re: China--but couldn't assimilate himself with the times. He fought the war opponents in a sorta sick way, rather than trying to build a bridge.
I always thought Watergate was a stupid way to take him down. The personal information he actively sought about activists' personal lives was much worse than hiding a break in he hadn't really planned.
Thanks Sofia. Anybody else ?
Nixon was a great president ... but a miserable human being. He did good things for the Country including China, detante, advancing civil rights, he even started the EPA. If only he wasn't such a conniving paranoid lying crook.
In stark contrast was Carter who is a superb human being ... but a miserable president.
I have a theory that maybe conniving crooks make the most effective presidents -- providing they don't get caught. With Clinton and Reagan I think this thesis may have merit, but I haven't had the time to flush this out yet.
I think anyone who wants the job has a serious mental quirk somewhere.
A rare moment where I agree with Brand X.
The worst thing about Nixon was his misguided drug laws. Set this country back decades after he requested an official report on Marijuana, and promptly threw it away when it contradicted what he thought about it.
I actually have a copy of that report, it's a great read (as far as gov't sponsored drug studies go.)