Sun 30 May, 2004 09:03 pm
I thought the Dems/libs were saying that it was not possible for any vet anywhere to support Bush,because he was so "anti military" and because of his service record.
Yet here we have a veterans group that is openly supporting Bush.How is that possible?
I'm a vet that doesn't support him. I could name others.
gosh it's good to know a group of over 7,000 harley rider Vets support Bush. I am all a'twitter. I know I rely on Harley riders for my philosphical and political analysis of presidential policy. Thanks for sharing this! perhaps next week we can enjoy the antics of vw bug owners.
This hyper-liberal has never once said anything close to ".... it was not possible for any vet anywhere to support Bush,because he was so 'anti military' and because of his service record."
I haven't been hearing it in my liberal circles, either.
Aw, drop the hyper, keep the liberal, littlek.
Well, your occasional political comments seem more based on thought than reflex, for starters.
Hi...I was surprised to hear that Mr Kerry is spending part of today campaigning in the Tidewater region of my state of Virginia. That's the Norfolk, Newport News, Virginia Beach area with a large, very large concentration of military and defense worker families. According to NPR this morning the Kerry campaign is "spending heavily" on advertising in Virginia.
That's odd because the Old Dominion (with our 13 electoral votes) trends Republican and should be in the Bush column (along with NC-with 15 votes, SC-8, TN-11 and GA-15). -rjb-