Ignorance is not only the absence of knowledge about something, but it's also
wrong learning
wrong learning is what the theory of evolution is about.
Face it. It started with the thinking (long before Darwin) that the current species come from simpler, worst and inferior ancestors.
Evolutionists found out that their theory was crap to the square and changed it into a "New-Darwinian" theory where the motto was to brainwash people with the idea that the general meaning of the word "evolution" simply means "change".
But, even so, people didn't buy the idea, because returning back to smoke signals from mountain to mountain instead of using telephones as a communication system, such was indeed a "change" but never "evolution".
Then evolutionist had no choice but to keep the word "evolution" in Biology as a technical word. But, they have a "revival" when they misinterpreted that microbes and viruses become more "resistant" to antibiotics and chemicals (even radiation) because an evolutionary step, where its new status becomes favorable against the aggressive new environment, making it "superior".
Sadly, a scrutiny on the observations, shows that the famous" resistant" of microbes is nothing but mutations where the affected organism loses and gains characteristics.
For example, a bacterium eating the sugars of our bodies, after a bad antibiotics treatment becomes an immune system cells predator... but stops eating the sugars. Its physical structure was changed because the chemicals and the organism found a way to survive changing its diet.
This is to say, the mutation change its internal and external characteristics and behavior, and by no means this phenomenon can be considered that this organism's new status is now "superior" than its former one.
At the long run, in its former status the bacterium as a "parasite" lived longer inside the host, but in the later status, both -the parasite and host- are destined to extinction.
You see, the whole theory of evolution is a loser by this simple fact: Everything decays.
The whole elements in the universe are in a continued process of decay, and by consequence, the stars, the planets, the rocks, the living species, everything is trapped in this tendency.
there is an arrow, and for this reason this new ideology of evolution by simply calling mutations as "change" is 100% illusory.
The true and crude reality is that there is an arrow, and the arrow is decay.