what Scout couldn't know was that she wasn't speaking figuratively.
Scout went off dejectedly into the night; but, some thing diverted him on his usual way to home, and he ended up walking through The Clary Forests.
There he met a fine bitch.
Scout, as he was then human, could not understand the bitch's calls; out of philantrophy, however, he followed her further: she seemed to have broken her leg.
He bound up her leg with the greatest of care, then gently laid her in the back of his pickup and took her to visit his best human friend, Dr. Sirius, a canine veterinarian/psychologist.
Driving as fast as he could, for he needed some diversion after his heartbreak, he came across something beastly on the road, and drove away from it, with slight apprehensions.
It reminded him of Elinor.
In an attempt at machissimo, he tried to keep himself from shedding a tear, but couldn't.
Blinded by his tears, Scout ran his truck off the road and into a ditch.
He lay down, and rested in the ditch the night, leaving the poor dog in the fcar in agony.
Around midnight, the clouds parted to reveal a full moon and Scout, aroused by the sight, began to transform.
Scount noticed hair growing on his arms and realized that it was growing all over his body, making him thrilled at finally being able to grow a beard.
Scout had more and more difficulty standing up straight.
He dropped to all fours and cautiously approached the bitch with the injured leg.
He wagged his..... omigod.... tail!
It was a positively unusual experience; did Scout understand what had happened?
The look in the bitch's eyes was smug and all knowing he thought as he noticed the bite mark on his arm.
It was her way of punishing Scout for having neglected her broken leg, which still hurt her.
Scout tenderly licked her broken leg and wished he had the power to transform at will so he could drive her to Dr. Sirius's office now instead of waiting until morning.
Scout wondered what this bitch's name was whose leg he was licking so tenderly.