There is nothing much you can do about the weather. Just grin and bear it until it gets better.
Better half a loaf where love is than a feast and bitterness. Best of all, a feast with love.
Love your hat, darling. Is it Oxfam?
Oxfam unwrapped is a collection of life-changing gifts that give twice. Once to a friend or loved one and secondly, to those who haven't got much at all.
All people are basically nice. There are a lot of nice people out there.
There is a lot of truth in what you say. We are at the mercy of media who like to make us fearful and suspicious.
"(When one's character begins to fall under ) ... suspicion and disfavor, how swift, then, is the work of disintegration and destruction."
- quoted in My Father Mark Twain, Clara Clemens
Destruction is the act of damaging something beyond use or repair. We see it everyday, vandalism is rife the world round.
Round and round and round it goes. Where it stops nobody knows!
Hi, Dutch!
Knows a thing or two, our Dev. Knows her onions.
Onions, funny you should mentions them. Did you know that Chicago means "land of the stinking onion?" Don't you find that fascinating?!
Fascinating women intrigue me. Would that be because I have a curious mind?
Hi Dev and Clary. :wink:
Mind if I pursue the placename thing? I'm fascinated by Chicago; and Kentucky means 'the land of tomorrow'.
Tomorrow or today you may find out that Mystic, Connecticut takes its name from an Indian word, missituk, meaning a wide river or a tidal estuary. Or something like that.
That is very interesting, we have lots of similar native names connected to well known district and cities in Australia . eg Canberra- from aboriginal word Nganbirra meaning meeting place.
Place names, I could go on about ad nauseum! Alcatraz comes from the Spanish word for pelican, and Texas comes from an Indian word meaning friends... I am a fountain of useless information!
Information super-highway, this is. But where are the dead hedgehogs?
Hedgehogs are named after their pig-like habit of rooting through the undergrowth for food. They are quite noisy and can be heard snuffling and grunting during their activities.
Activities of such animals should probably not be interrupted as they might be provoked to attack! If they are anything like the groundhogs here, that would be definitley so. Nasty creatures!
Creatures of habit we all are I think. There are certain things that we must do each day for our lives to run smoothly, for me it is drinking a can of Diet Coke first thing in the morning.