Setanta wrote:David is a devoté of the idea of American exceptionalism,
Yes. Setanta speaks the truth.
Setanta wrote:for not better reason than that it flatters his rather simple-minded vanity.
No. There is functional
constricting, curtailing, degrading & strangling the domestic jurisdiction of government.
That value is the promotion of
INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY, at the expense
of governmental authority. The jurisdiction of government is
INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL to personal freedom.
That value
exceeds my vanity;
that is a "better reason" as u put it.
meticulously parsing the text of the Instrument of its creation,
we have succeeded in constricting and
repressing USURPATIONS
of fake jurisdiction of government. That has been government's Achilles' heel.
Setanta wrote:It is just as foolish to believe that all things American are superior
as it is to believe that all things American are evil.
In support of your assertion,
I offer the disgrace of the last 2 presidential elections.