French translation

Thu 9 Oct, 2014 07:07 pm
Thank you all so much!

Right now Mo is leaning heavily towards "Fantôme Rôti" for NOT the name of his restaurant but for the name of his chef. He's still undecided on the restaurant name -- there were too many good suggestions.

I think he's going to be spectacularly frightening this year! Over the years we've learned that when it comes to being really scary that the devil is in the details and now I've got a major detail solved!

Now if I could just find a way to make the rubber cockroaches wriggle around instead of being stationary.....
Thu 9 Oct, 2014 07:11 pm

Maybe he should hand out some menus!

I have too much fun on Halloween.
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Thu 9 Oct, 2014 07:28 pm
boomerang wrote:
Now if I could just find a way to make the rubber cockroaches wriggle around instead of being stationary.....

can you mount them on the springs you find inside pens?

(you can get a bag of 20+ of those cheap pens for $1)
Thu 9 Oct, 2014 07:43 pm
Great idea!

I actually have a big jar of springs that I bought at a garage sale not long ago. I used the big springs so I'm thinking there are probably a lot of small springs in there!

Thu 9 Oct, 2014 07:47 pm
springs are verra verra handy

I pull out the ones in dead click pens because you just never know what you might need.

When the old girldog died last year, friends sent me a cookie bouquet. I saved the stems they were on ... just because. Those naked stems came in very handy at a Day of the Dead photo shoot Smile
Thu 9 Oct, 2014 07:51 pm
You are a woman after my own heart.

It seems like every object I look at could be "useful" in some way. I'm lucky I haven't become a hoarder!
Thu 9 Oct, 2014 07:57 pm
not one of my fav pix but ... check out the cookie stems Smile and $ store rhinestones, flowers and boa - and Value Village fabrics (the spiderweb fabric is one of my favourite finds)


this is better but I don't want to blow up the page https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1456561_10151778875780770_256212031_n.jpg?oh=0d5395c53c7eb0de05f1dad6161c3621&oe=54BF5D6B&__gda__=1421891635_88a3544d2625483e38bb7de75e8219f9
Thu 9 Oct, 2014 08:06 pm
That's fantastic! Wow!!

I bought a purse the other day (plain, leather) and for some inexplicable reason there was a small package of rhinestones and beads at the bottom. I still can't figure out why. I only found it after I got home and removed all the purse stuffing. It's a tiny bag, like the bag an extra button would come in on a new pair of pants.

I figured it was simply meant to be and dropped them back in for future use.

Anyway, now I'm craving some sugar skulls.....
Thu 9 Oct, 2014 08:13 pm
the bag of extras probably came with a fancy beaded/sequined dress or sweater - they tend to come with quite a few extra bits

we used a few bags of those for sequins and beads to glue on our faces with eyelash glue at that photoshoot

as Set says - waste not, want not Smile
Thu 9 Oct, 2014 09:36 pm
Waste not, want not, for real!

There are so many times that I recall some odd bit that I've tossed only to wish so much that I could still get my hands on it.

We live in an old house with limited closet space so I do try to curate my finds but Halloween is the one holiday that I'll save everything for. If I dig something out of my yard or garden I'll even save roots for repurposing. I let the nuisance vines run wild through September and October knowing they'll look great on my Halloween monster yardman once I rip them out and let them wilt.

Mr. B thinks I'm crazy but he indulges me. He loves Halloween as much as I do.
Fri 10 Oct, 2014 01:23 am
A possible menu option for you.....

Poussin de la Toussaint? (Poosan toosan)

(Roughly.....Halloween chicken)
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Fri 10 Oct, 2014 01:58 am
Some suitable music whilst I go and think some more whilst walking the hound......


Soup de Loup? (Franglais - wolf soup)

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Fri 10 Oct, 2014 03:54 am
Just a few menu meals, handy phrases and Restaurant names that may inspire....

La Citrouille Morbide (The Ghoulish Pumpkin)

Galette du Sang. (Blood Pie)

Le Sorcier fatigué (The Weary Wizard)

Gelée du Vers. (Worm Jelly.....jello in USA)

Squelette affamé (Starving Skeleton)

Rassemblement Fantomatique (Ghostly gathering)

Déconseillé aux âmes sensibles. (Not for the squeamish).

Le Crâne sourire. (The Grinning Skull)

Le mort-vivant qui rit. (The Laughing Zombie) mort-vivant = living dead.
Le Zombie qui rit (ditto)

Note: I would advise polishing these up a bit with a French speaker, possibly.

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Fri 10 Oct, 2014 04:40 am
N'oubliez pas "La cuisine de l'enfer". (Hell's Kitchen).
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Sat 11 Oct, 2014 05:37 am
How about La Bête du Gévaudan? You can the tell them the accompanying story.
Sat 11 Oct, 2014 08:43 am
That's a good one..
I never heard of that beast before, and I bet many others haven't either.
Sat 11 Oct, 2014 10:13 am
I hadn't, I googled French monsters to see what would come up.
Sat 11 Oct, 2014 12:09 pm
Do u speak French?

I don t.
Sat 11 Oct, 2014 12:45 pm
I speak very little French, enough to get by in shops, bars, restaurants the like, but that's about it.

Nothing to write home about. My daughter studied French for a year and hers is at least as good as mine if not better.

I was 8 when I had my first French lesson and didn't stop until I reached 16.
Sat 11 Oct, 2014 12:49 pm
Parlay -vu arnglay ? Wink
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