@Joe Nation,
The colour link was for you know who.. I've never looked it up before, like you, I think of the story it may have meant.
(Positive thinking) re-directing. True..
Last night I dreamt of a lion and it was attacking someone and I started to move, then found myself up against a corner. I woke up : ) I see that as a foreclosure of a small business debt that has run it's course however, the banks are not handling it well and so, I'm getting myself prepared to fight it and I will and I will win... Phew the Lion didn't get me
I think I will try that tonight Joe... Perhaps a place instead, like BALI!!
I used to actually experiment with a notepad next to my bed and as I would drift off, try to right it down though mostly it looked like scribble but it was quite interesting as I was able to make some of it out.
Isn't it funny how when we wake if we try to remember our dream, we can remember a portion and that's it, or we remember and as we are trying to see more, it all fades away... Well that's been my take.