An Explanation For Consciousness

B Levy
Mon 6 Feb, 2023 01:12 am
An explanation is needed for the existence of consciousness. But first, I wish to define it as I understand it.

Consciousness is awareness of or within the universe.

It exists on a spectrum and has degrees of severity. If you can see, hear, taste, smell, touch, (awareness of the universe) and/or think (awareness within the universe), this is consciousness. It is an experience that is observed or felt by a subject - ie you, the experiencer, rather than just a total experiential void and lack of existence. All contents of consciousness emerge using at least one of those channels. And they all get there, to your consciousness, by riding your neuronal network.

Restated, consciousness is the composite of any configuration of these senses and at any level of clarity. If I'm an insect, I have about 200,000 neurons to process all five senses. If I'm a human, I have the neuronal capacity of about 430,000 bugs, working together to bring consciousness online. The senses are enhanced, elevated, compared to a bug's, but both are conscious. Both sense the world.

Cutting to the chase, I think something like the neuron is the building block of consciousness, sufficient to have an input and output, or signal-reception and response. The experience is infinitesimal, but it's non zero. Like a penny compared to the wealth of Bill Gates.

Google reveals the human eye has 100 million neurons. If they can all collectively give rise to human vision, which is part of consciousness, what could one neuron do? Very close to, but not nothing. They clearly each perform some function, deliver some information. Divide human sight by 100 million and that is the effect of one neuron, the root essence of consciousness.

Only one single firing neuron probably has the experience of consciousness as rich as one neuron could bring. On one end, it senses the world in some capacity. And on the other end, it triggers a consequential response of commensurate size. But its role is singular, and the perception probably feels something like humans do the micro (nano, pico, femto?) second before we die. Nearly everything offline. A vastly muted sensation is still an understatement. But when summed up into the tens of billions…

Consider the blind spot in the eyes. [Experiment SOP] As an experiment, you could open a new word document, zoom in to maximize the white background, type a single period and increase its font size to about 300. By now there's a big black dot on the middle of the screen, at the left margin. Cover your right eye. With the cursor at the right of the period, start hitting the space bar, and visually follow the cursor. About half way through, with your eye focused at the cursor now in the middle of the screen, the large dot at the left margin disappears entirely. [/Experiment SOP]

We know the optic nerve runs through the retina and so we lack cones and rods to collect the light there. Thus, absent the neuronal mechanism for responding to light stimulus, we don't have vision. So we know the neurons are responsible for bringing on vision, and thus for bringing online a component of consciousness. It's not panpsychism - there's plenty of matter, we're already conscious, just not of this spot. And it's not Frankenstein - again we already have consciousness; we're simply missing neurons.

Here's additional reasons why the Frankenstein model is a failed explanation for consciousness - the idea of adding one last ingredient to make the whole thing come alive. The idea of a minimum threshold number of information processing cells required for consciousness doesn't make sense. For example the idea that you need 10,000 neurons for the lights to turn on but if you drop down to 9,999 neurons, everything shuts completely down. Each neuron functions to bring another piece of information to the whole system. It has to be a gradient. 10,001 neurons on average would produce a consciousness that would be imperceptibly richer than a brain with 10,000. But accumulate a vast number more or less and the quality of consciousness really changes.

There's nothing inherently special about X neurons that X-1 couldn't approximate, until X=1 (and at that point, the difference there largely feels like a technicality). As you peel away neurons, you peel away the conscious experience. Going from full, rich and vibrant down to dull, simple, narrow until you're ultimately talking about a single pixel of information maybe. Or less. And consciousness probably scales this way generally throughout the brain and across evolution.

Another incorrect model tries to argue that reality is hidden with some user interface to mask its complexity, a la computer desktop icons from the reality of what the computer actually performs, and something like what is hidden are forms of consciousness, which is a fundamental reality about the universe. This too is bogus. There's no universal interface evolved to hide the true reality of nature so as to protect us. There's only crude hardware coming online piece by piece to reveal the universe to us. No, we don't see the universe as it truly is. We see it through a narrow band of electromagnetic radiation called the visible spectrum. The ability to see in the ultraviolet or infrared spectrums, for example, haven't evolved to confer an advantage above seeing in the visible spectra. The option hasn't evolved where we've paid a price for not having it. And similarly our hearing has a limited capacity in hertz. But if we were to see the world distinctly incorrectly within our normal bandwidths, we would pay a price. Not seeing or hearing a predator correctly seems a grave flaw for survival. But that's not some interface layered onto reality. That's just incomplete reality, with some hiccups in the hardware, in our case.

Another explanation, panpsychism, is a nonstarter. Consciousness seems like an evolved function of perception for the purpose of survival. It's a system of relaying information to the brain/receiving end of the neural network to understand the world so as to better pass on those genetics. For inanimate objects like a massive boulder, they neither have evolved sensory systems in place, a neuro processing component to receive the signal, nor a life to protect. There's also no motion of any kind nor really any transfer of signals across it short of getting struck by lightning. There's zero signal processing that could give rise to consciousness.

So what we're left with is a system provided to us through evolution, that scales and is intuitive. And to me, that's satisfying.

I hope this was interesting and elucidating. I'd love to hear your comments and rebuttals. Thanks so much for your time and for making it this far. Cheers everyone.
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Mon 27 Feb, 2023 02:04 pm
@B Levy,
Consciousness is not Awareness B Levy.

They are completely separate.
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Tue 28 Feb, 2023 01:54 am
@B Levy,
Excellent, but I haven't read it all yet. And welcome to A2K. I hope you stick around.
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Tue 28 Feb, 2023 02:48 am
@B Levy,
Seconding what Coluber said.

Pay no attention to Jasper, he's a delusional idiot who nobody takes seriously.
Tue 28 Feb, 2023 07:39 am
Hi Izzy

Tue 28 Feb, 2023 07:45 am
All sciences are interconnected.

Everything in the cosmos vibrates including our experiences of consciousness.

The individual needs to become AWARE of the two waking CONSCIOUSNESS states and CONTROL them. Any decent psychologist will tell you this.

AWARENESS and CONSCIOUSNESS are not the same.

Individuals that are UNAWARE do have other opinions of course.

Tue 28 Feb, 2023 11:08 am
If consciousness is related to anything in nature it is electromagnetic forces.

Don’t attempt to try and explain consciousness and leave yourself out of it B Levy because you are totally embroiled within it,

You are wasting your time.

Spectator science can’t explain consciousness.It can come up with some nonsense like the rest of its science but that’s all.
Thu 2 Mar, 2023 04:58 am
I would suggest that consciousness is affected by electromagnetic forces.

I would suggest that the individual requires suitable AWARENESS to be able to CONTROL their interaction with these forces.

Clearly, one needs to exist to be able to do this.

Thu 2 Mar, 2023 08:28 am
I would suggest that the concept of a CONTROLLING factor is alien to PAST and FUTURE science that we presently have now. This is because PAST and FUTURE science believes we are nothing more than consciousness. It also believes that consciousness and awareness are the same thing. It hasn't been able to separate the two yet with its SPECTATOR science.

Fri 3 Mar, 2023 03:18 am
I would suggest that thoughts are directly associated with consciousness.

I would suggest that as thoughts are merely electrical signals which are converted into sounds and visions, the question should be is how were the electrical signals produced in the first place.

You require electromagnetic fields in order to produce electrical signals which are converted into sound and visions. Electromagnetic fields saturate the cosmos at both the macro and micro levels.

I would suggest that we are not thoughts (electrical signals converted into sounds and visions) or the electromagnetic fields that are required to produce them as many would like to believe.

I would suggest that we interact with the thoughts (electrical signals converted into sounds and visions) within one of two waking consciousness states (in or out of the moment).

In summary therefore, I would suggest that we are not the electromagnetic fields that produce the electrical signals which are converted into sounds and visions which we listen to and look at.

Rather, I would suggest that we are affected by the magnetic force interactions NN,NS,SN,SS that these electromagnetic fields produce (we experience this by the vibratory movement of these balanced forces as we constantly transition backwards and forwards between the two consciousness states of in and out of the moment) as we listen to and look at the sounds and visions produced by the electromagnetic fields that saturate the cosmos at both the macro and micro levels.

We either engage or don’t engage with thoughts (electrical signals converted into sounds and visions).
Sun 5 Mar, 2023 02:39 am
I would suggest that at the end of the day science needs to be able to relate to and explain the psychological workings in a meaningful experiential way such that the individual can test and measure the validity of it.

I would suggest that the only way to explain the psychological experience is to have a better understanding of the 2 “waking” consciousness states.

It is widely accepted that there is an “in the moment” state of consciousness (+)
It is widely accepted that there is an “out of the moment” state of consciousness (-)

Similarly, there are + and - forces associated with electromagnetism.I would suggest that the brain uses electromagnetic process in it operational principles.

As I keep posting and suggesting,the only way to balance the + and - forces of nature is if you balance a + and - with a + and - to produce a vibratory balance.

I would suggest therefore that consciousness needs to be balanced in this way.

I would suggest that the individual needs to understand how this can be achieved.I would suggest that the only way that it can be achieved is if CONTROL is introduced.

I use the below to try and explain what I mean.I would suggest that the individual transitions backwards and forwards between the 2 waking consciousness states all the time EITHER in total unawareness/partial awareness/total awareness. I relate this backwards and forwards transition to a left and right movement for explanation purposes.


1.0,0 = total unawareness during this transition.
2.0,1 = partial awareness during this transition.
3.1,0 = partial awareness during this transition.
4.1,1 = total awareness during this transition.

I would suggest that when it comes to understanding consciousness and how it relates to the psychological experience the vast majority of individuals are at stage 1. and have no experiential understanding of stages 2,3,4.

I would suggest that the reason for this is that the vast majority of individuals have not introduced the CONTROLLING factor required to enable them to BALANCE consciousness such that they can then validate the authenticity of the ACTION they have introduced.

Sun 5 Mar, 2023 07:34 am
i would suggest that + and - consciousness or in/out of the moment consciousness are in fact + and - electromagnetic forces and the individual needs to introduce CONTROL in order to balance these vibratory forces to a STILLNESS at the psychological level.

My scientific ;philosophical and psychological theories are totally SOUND because they are practical and apply across all the scientific disciplines.
Mon 6 Mar, 2023 03:46 am
The magnetism theory explained with regard to the working of the brain and mind consciousness experience:

The brain operates due to electromechanical processes.

Consciousness as far as the individual is concerned is experienced in the "waking" state in two forms, "in the moment" and "out of the moment".

These states of consciousness are directly related to electromagnetic fields and the 2 equal but opposite 4 off possible force interactions (-/-...+/-...-/+....+/+) that are produced as a result of these electromagnetic fields interacting with matter (our brain).

We are influenced by these 4 off electromagnetic force interactions within the brain which has a direct impact upon the consciousness state we experience.

It is therefore not about trying to remain in the moment because that does not deal with the out of the moment consciousness state.

We are not the in or out of the moment consciousness states. We merely experience these two different "waking" consciousness states and toggle (vibrate) backwards and forwards between them in either total unawareness (-/-)/partial awareness (-/+.......+/-)/total awareness (+/+)

The individual can STILL the vibratory effect of consciousness by the realization that they are not consciousness/by balancing consciousness /by introducing CONTROL over consciousness.

Unless that is the individual is totally UNAWARE, in which case the individual is unable to do anything at all.

Wed 8 Mar, 2023 01:36 am
So during the thought process we have vibrating electrical signals passing through balanced vibrating magnetic fields within the brain.This is consistent with the magnetism theory.

So why do the electrical signals vibrate?

Well because the magnetism theory states that it is impossible to cancel out the electromagnetic + and - forces in nature.All you can do is balance these forces.So natures formula is:

Alternating +/- = Alternating +/- and NOT +=- and -=+ as is presently claimed by science.

As the separate electrical signals pass through these balanced vibrating force fields they experienced a push/pull effect due to the alternating forces on both sides of the = sign shall we say.

This causes the moving electrical signals to vibrate as well resulting in a sinusoidal (snake like) wave.

The magnetism theory is a sound theory for science ; philosophy and psychology.
Wed 8 Mar, 2023 04:05 am
The magnetism theory is a BALANCED theory and observations confirm its legitimacy in science; philosophy and psychology.

Unlike the scientific theories which are widely accepted at the moment which are UNBALANCED and observations are not confirming their legitimacy in science; philosophy and psychology.

What a confused mess.
Wed 8 Mar, 2023 08:42 am
Awareness is separate from Consciousness and SOMETHING is separate from Awareness.

The something that is separate from Awareness can CONTROL or STILL the effects of Consciousness vibration (.i.e. + and - Consciousness interactions with + and - Consciousness ) OR (in and out of the moment consciousness interactions with in and out if the moment consciousness) OR (+/- vibrating electromagnetic field interactions with +/- electromagnetic field interactions) when it becomes AWARE that is not consciousness.

It balances a + and - with a + and - and separates itself from it exactly in line with the magnetism theory prediction.

Philosophy is Amazing.

Thu 9 Mar, 2023 11:33 pm
The scientific community needs to understand that the + and - experiences of consciousness are directly related to the interacting + and - electromagnetic field forces which permeate the cosmos at all levels,macro and micro.As I keep saying the only way to balance these natural forces of nature is if you balance a + and- force with a + and - force in line with natures true formula.The present formula adopted for these forces is +=- and-=+ which is incorrect.These forces of nature don’t cancel,they interact to produce a VIBRATORY balance.

Science will never understand consciousness until it accepts this fundamental FACT.Science has gone off piste for the past 300 years or so and needs to find its way back.
Fri 10 Mar, 2023 07:04 am
@B Levy,
You wake up and realize you start your day stranded on this rock floating in space. Everybody passes you by in their intergalactic flying machines not caring at all. Space is covered by all kinds of natural forces. We are literally in a bubble, within a bubble, within a bubble, merging with another bubble, floating around one big donut shape object. They show that picture of the universe, my question is, are their any other universes out there?

You climb the mountain top, and then you come down from the mountain and everybody hates you for climbing the mountain. They see you as different. They are within their little world and will not open their eyes but rather live in fear. Like a caged bird freaking out when they learn about outside. Imagine a caged human? How will they react. Yes the world might be, beautiful, and bold, but at the same time it is filled with selfishness upon selfishness. You set that human being free and they end up living a life with lower-standards then they once lived while caged.

You do not suck, the people in your lives suck. Your mission is not to suck, find somebody else who does not suck, and maybe have some sorta lives with them.

"This Spoke Zarathustra"

A bird is a bird, A fish is a fish, a cat is a cat. Why try to make them something they are not?

You have this film about how a great society was and eventually something came along and turn them all into these odd creatures. Only capable of being those creatures and nothing more.

Instinct = built instructions, for people this mean the ability to congregate via physiological means, for physical and other forms of communications. It is like tossing a baby in a pool only to see the baby swim.

Propaganda/public opinion:

Take Globalism v. Barriers for example. Via globalism barriers are erected.
This is a "learned/Brainwashed/groomed/brand ambassador/marketed" behavior, motivated by positive negative attitudes. Various nations wants people to come to their nations in terms of tourism in order to bring in income. However various nations do not want others to come into their nation and leave there mentalities. For example you have losers ( in my opinion ) who are racist to one nation but act all big-mouth only because they could get away with it. In my area your not going to see two ____ guys arguing in a ____ neighborhood but you will see the same two _____ guys inside of ______ neighborhood arguing. Because they feel so comfortable.
It is like the opposite of a "Death Wish" - Charles Bronson flick.

You have two people in a ______. They are dressed the same, have light complexions but the race is sightly different. A _____ walks into the ____
and starts speaking freely with the stranger that is closer to them. However instead of being friendly they proceed to antagonize them via negativity. However with the other ______ they do not give them a hard-time at all.
No matter what action you take that person will always behave a specific way towards you. Actions speak louder and why that action is happening.
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Mon 13 Mar, 2023 01:55 pm

We are not consciousness

We start off being stuck in a vibratory unawareness (0,0).We can remain there.

However,we can progress to being aware that there are two waking consciousness states.IN and OUT of the moment.(0,1…1,0).We are neither of these consciousness states.We just vibrate between these 2 consciousness states in partial awareness.

However,we can progress to being fully aware (1,1) of not only the two consciousness states but also the fact that we can control which of the two consciousness states we reside in.

Eventually it is possible to progress to a state of STILLNESS within consciousness.
Wed 15 Mar, 2023 03:58 am
I would suggest that everything vibrates within the cosmos EVEN our experiences of consciousness. If one is persuaded by this then I would suggest that consciousness and our relationship to it can be understood. I use simple binary maths to explain what I mean by this.

Stage 1.Original stage (0,0)-Complete Unawareness.
In this stage of experience absolutely no understanding of consciousness and the individual’s relationship to it is understood. The individual just transitions backwards and forwards between the two consciousness states in total unawareness exercising no control whatsoever.

Stage 2. Intermediate stage (0,0…0,1…1,0)-Partial Awareness.
In this stage of experience only a partial understanding of consciousness and the individual’s relationship to it is understood. The individual still transitions backwards and forwards between the two consciousness states however because the individual has been able to differentiate between the in and out of the moment consciousness states they have learnt that if they are within the out of the moment state then they can exercise control and bring themselves into the in the moment consciousness state.

stage 3.Final stage (0,0…0,1…1,0…1,1)-Complete Awareness.
In this stage of experience a complete understanding of consciousness and the individual’s relationship to it is understood. The individual no longer transitions backwards and forwards between the two consciousness states because the individual has been able to BALANCE consciousness and exercises full control over it. As the individual has been able to separate themself from consciousness they are no longer influenced by the vibratory nature of it.

They can therefore remain still.

And what causes the vibration?


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